INSPECTION AT THE KINDERGARTEN WHERE THE BABY DIED: It is checked whether there were any omissions at work after the death of the girl (1)


The tragedy that shocked Serbia yesterday occurred in the afternoon in a private kindergarten at 155 Prigrevica street, and according to previous information, the girl died in her sleep.

– Immediately after the information that an accident occurred in the kindergarten “Ivin voice”, the Secretariat issued a kindergarten inspection supervision order. The inspectors are on the ground today, we will inform the public about the result when the supervision ends – it was said from the Ministry of Education and Child Protection.

Information about the inspector’s visit was also confirmed in the kindergarten.

– Thanks for the invitation, now we have an inspection and we cannot speak – they said briefly from this institution.

Based on what he heard at the scene yesterday, a one-year-old girl passed away in her sleep, and it is presumed to be a sudden death.

– My brother is currently in the police force. From what we could hear, it was a supposed sudden death. We are very sorry that this has happened, for now we have no more information – said yesterday about the family that owns this kindergarten.

Photo: Š.M.

Parents were speechless with shock and sadness, the investigation lasted hours

Relatives of the injured girl who did not want to comment for the media also appeared briefly yesterday in front of Zemun’s kindergarten. The investigation lasted hours and the journalists met in front of the institution with the parents of other children, who were also not in the mood to talk about the tragic event, but commented for themselves how horrible what happened to the girl was.

A neighbor said that the nursery has been in existence for several years, but that she does not recall ever having problems with it.

At around 5.30 p.m. the funeral company vehicle arrived and took over the body of the deceased girl.

Sudden death syndrome

Unfortunately, this is the third case in the last four years that such tragedies have occurred. And they call them cradle death or sudden death syndrome.

– Sudden infant death syndrome affects children up to one year of age, most often while they sleep. It occurs most often in children, in the winter, in children who do not breastfeed, in children who use pacifiers, and most often between 4 and 6 months of age. Sudden older child death syndrome occurs in children older than one year, most often while sleeping. It is less represented in terms of frequency than in babies, said Dr. Snezana Rsovac.


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