“First for Serbia to recognize Kosovo, and only then for the Union of Serbian Municipalities”


Muhamet Hamiti says that the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities can only take place “after Serbia recognizes the independence of Kosovo for the first time.”

Source: Tanjug

Hamiti, a former diplomatic representative of Pristina in Great Britain, affirms this on the occasion of the statement of the special representative for the EU dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, that Pristina must fulfill all obligations, including the formation of the JCC.

“First, a binding agreement on the mutual recognition of Kosovo and Serbia must be established within the current borders, and then the JCC can be formed according to Ahtisaari’s plan and according to the ruling of the Constitutional Court,” Hamiti wrote. On twitter. online.

Today, the EU rapporteur for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, sent a clear request to Pristina politicians to implement part of the Agreement and form the JCC.

He said at the press conference, after the visit to Pristina, that the Brussels Agreement of 2013 and 2015 provides for the formation of the JCC, but that it has not been done until today.

“It must be established in accordance with the Constitutional Court. The discussion on the Statute must be the next step. Part of the comprehensive agreement is that the agreement begins to be implemented after signing. Details about the JCC must be agreed,” Lajcak said.
