People, wear masks! And today more than 200 new infected, 25 on respirators


THE LAST SECTION OF THE CROWN IN SERBIA, NUMBERS AND STOP TODAY: Folks, wear masks!  More than 200 newly infected, 25 with respirators

Photo: Printscreen, Shutterstock

In the last 24 hours, 6,504 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 203 were positive, but sadly two patients died.

There are 25 patients on ventilators in hospitals across Serbia.

Of the total number of newly infected, 74 are from Belgrade, 23 from Kragujevac, 15 from Nis, 8 from Valjevo, 6 from Vranje and Zrenjanin, 5 each from Ćuprija and Rača.

photo: Printscreen

Djerlek: the number of hospitalized patients is growing

The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, says that the number of infected people is increasing, adding that currently 359 patients suffering from kovid are being treated in hospitals, and only a week ago there were 270.

– What we have hinted that could happen in recent weeks has come true, because it is very difficult for Serbia to be isolated, considering that the crown is burning, wild in all the countries around us – Djerlek told Tanjug.

He pointed out that there were 67 new infected people in Serbia on October 12, and that yesterday we already had a worrying figure of 245 infected people.

In the last week, as he stated, 1,058 new infected patients were reported and it is time for citizens to “get serious and adhere to epidemiological measures.”


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