Nestorović surprised Serbia by saying that the masks don’t work. Now Srdja Jankovic answered him



10.15.2020. 11:15

He noted that it is fairly certain that the mask does not provide 100% protection, “but we already knew that.”

Branimir Nestorović

Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Serigraph / Rosa

Two days ago, Dr. Branimir Nestorović once again moved the public when he posted a short message on Instagram: “CDC scientist, masks don’t work.”

Dr. Srđa Janković was invited to the morning show Prva TV, where he commented on the controversial research, according to which up to 70 percent of those infected claimed that they constantly wore masks.

Do you wear protective masks?

– That interpretation is not the best, when we look at that investigation, there is no place to say that they do not wear masks. It is not disputed that a mask is needed, of course the CDC does not say otherwise, but there are various interpretations of what is written there. That interpretation is wrong: Dr. Janković is explicit.

He noted that it is fairly certain that the mask does not provide 100% protection, “but we already knew that.”

– Partial protection is better than none, when each of us is partially protected by a mask, the percentage of infection is significantly reduced – says Janković.

The immunologist pointed out that wearing a mask and keeping your distance are the backbone to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but also that “where we leave space for the virus to be transmitted from person to person, it accelerates and progresses, and the more infected, the more people”. can infect “.

– Large concentrations are dangerous, there are a large number of infected people, so there is a sudden jump – he stressed.
