United against kovid presented proposals to combat the epidemic in Serbia


The Citizens Association “United Against Covidus” presented a document from its epidemiological group with a series of proposals for the fight against the coronavirus epidemic in Serbia.

The coordinator of the epidemiological team of that association, Ivana Prokić, made a proposal to adjust the global protocols to the conditions in Serbia and to educate doctors and citizens about the coronavirus.

Also, he said at the press conference in the Media Center, it is necessary to start collecting and analyzing data on epidemiological parameters that are not being monitored in Serbia now.

The association’s document also states that it is necessary to monitor corona virus tests, monitor the contacts of infected people and design databases, Prokić said.

As Prokić emphasized, the association “United Against Covids” also complained about the formation of the commission on health diseases.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
