Politika Online – Dean Boricic Publicly Warned Professor Danica Popovic


A verdict was passed in the case of examining the academic integrity of Dr. Danica Popović, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Belgrade, Prof. revealed yesterday for “Politika”. Dr. Branislav Boricic, dean of that institution. Already on the first day, from the half month they gave him to decide on this, Boricic decided to publicly warn prof. Popović because, he says, he behaved in a non-academic manner when translating Dominique Salvatore’s textbook “International Economics”, published in 2018. It stands out for our work that the warning was given in accordance with article 22 of the Code of Professional Ethics of the BU, which defines plagiarism.

Dean Boricic explains that the public reprimand entails the loss of the opportunity to reach managerial positions in the faculty or university, and not the loss of the chair, which is produced by public condemnation. Aleksandar Jakšić, a former EKOF student, defends him, who initiated a procedure before the ethics commission of the faculty to determine the non-academic behavior of prof. Popović because he believes that she removed the name of the late prof. Dr. Stojan Babić, and upheld his sentences in part. A specially formed interuniversity commission of experts, a few months ago, with the help of plagiarism detection software, concluded that prof. In the new edition of the book of debatable 11 chapters, Popović on average “borrowed” 43 percent of the text from the late prof. Babić, which is 150 pages long. This was confirmed by the ethics commission and proposed to the EKOF Teaching-Scientific Council and the dean to warn their professor.

Yesterday Professor Danica Popović reiterated for our article that she will be heading to the University of Belgrade because of the latest decision, and the day before she wrote in an SMS for “Politika”: and it means an inadmissible act: to be tried for one thing and condemned for another! That does not correspond to a serious faculty, and that possible verdict will be the basis for me to ask the university for protection against arbitrariness and persecution, which is obviously being implemented against me. “

At EKOF, we unofficially learned that in the irregular period, due to a public warning, the issue of the permanence of prof. Danica Popović in the subject International Economics, which she teaches in the second year of studies.

Aleksandar Jaksic says that he is not interested in what punishment Danica Popovic will receive, but it is important for him that the Teaching-Scientific Council, which is made up of all teachers, confirms by an absolute majority that she is a plagiarist.

– That’s what I said and that’s where this story ends for me. If he had a bit of morals, Popović would have left the Faculty of Economics alone because the team clearly and unequivocally distanced itself from it, for plagiarism. I am sure that they will remove her from the subject of International Economics, which will return the fees to the family of the late prof. Babić and that the proven plagiarist will not give any lecture to our students, especially not the one on academic integrity – says Jakšić.
