Mass testing starts today: this is what you should know if they call you


Today a study begins to examine the collective immunity of citizens to the coronavirus, as well as the percentage of asymptomatic cases in the population.

Source: RTS

Photo: Depositphotos, HayDmitriy

Photo: Depositphotos, HayDmitriy

The study will involve 17,000 citizens, which are around 7,000 households. Any home in Serbia can be invited, and this is what you should know if you are invited.

Prof. dr. Dr. Tatjana Pekmezovi, director of the seroepidemiological study, told RTS that the initial phase of the study would begin today, followed by the first test at the end of the week.

According to him, around 7,000 households will participate and around 1,600 households in Belgrade were surveyed.

A total of 17,000 citizens will be surveyed in Serbia.

“In no way do we choose the infestation of families. The research is carried out on a random sample of the population, we have carefully studied it, we have been greatly helped by the statisticians of the Statistical Office of the Republic, it is a simple random sample of the population The sample is selected systematically. This means that each household in Serbia has the same chances of being invited to participate in the study, “says Pekmezovieva.

Various steps of the procedure.

The questionnaire will not be sent directly to homes, but citizens will complete the questionnaire at regional institutes of public health. The institute doctors invite them to the homes, explain the importance of the study and invite them to participate.

Samples of citizens older than seven years were analyzed.

“If the family is invited, they will receive their appointment at the public health institutes. There, they will first sign a consent, agree to participate in the study. Complete three questionnaires and collect 6 to 10 milliliters of blood from the institution at the institute ” the complete blood serum was transported to the INEP, “says Pekmezovieva.

He notes that the duration of coronavirus immunity is unknown, and it only makes sense, he says, that such studies be repeated in the same subjects to monitor antibody dynamics throughout the population.

The coordination of activities in the field is carried out by the Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanovi Batut”.

Study objectives.

The goal, according to Pekmezovieva, is to study asymptomatic cases, transmission chains in families, but also perceptions of the risk of disease in the population. On this basis, measures would be formed if the virus recurs.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine prof. Dr. Neboja Lali affirms that the objective is to define which susceptible populations are to this virus and which are the risk factors that contributed to the bad result. He notes that the study will allow the molecular characteristics of the virus to be better defined, due to the potential of the therapy.

He points out that it is important for citizens to understand that, by participating, they contribute to the new wave of the epidemic in order to be ready.

“There are no special tasks for study participants, and the questionnaire will not contain difficult questions,” says Lali.

Monday samples test

About 100 ELISA kits will arrive at the Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy before the weekend, which is enough to analyze between 5,000 and 8,000 samples. The first samples can be received starting next Monday, Dr. Marija Gnjatovi told RTS.

INEP is working to develop the test, and Dr. Marija Gnjatovi expects that a prototype test will be completed in one month. The production of the dough can begin. INEP’s production capacity is 3,000 ELISA tests per month, that’s enough for 135,000 samples.

With increased capacities, it is possible to meet both national and regional needs. Study leader prof. Tatjana Pekmezovi invited citizens to participate in the study and learn about the family’s serological status.
