Did the Albanian mafia help a mobster get into Serbia?



09.10.2020. 07:00

Kaloštrović is close to both the “Surčinci” and the “Dorćolci”. He constantly receives them in Petrovac and Sveti Stefan, and they visit him in Belgrade.

Srdjan knezevic

Srdjan Knezevic, Photo: Private archive

People Mila Djukanovicand at all costs they want to cover attempt to extort 120,000 euros from Srdjan Knezevic, owner of Knez Petrol, Just to protect Aleksa Stanković, the son of Ivica Stanković, Supreme State Prosecutor of Montenegro! While the politicians were designing this plan, Milan Kalostrovic, suspected of assaulting former business partner Srdjan Knezevic at the “Hemingway” cafe in the very center of Budva, threatened to interrupt it and that the debt would rise to one million euros because interest rates go up for hours. Now, he had the support of the underworld.

– The Albanian Mafia helped Kalostrovic to cross the Serbian border illegally! He was previously prohibited from entering Serbia, but after the incident in Budva and the police chase, he asked for the help of a friend to escape from Montenegro. The UNCHR-registered jeep, which entered Serbia, has been determined to have been allegedly used in numerous robberies, says our source close to the Montenegrin subsoil.

– This is a conflict between Kaloštrović and Knezević that happened earlier in Belgrade. Kalostrovic is a member of the Bar clan and is close to Luka Bojovic. He is good with brothers Ognjen and Mladen Kazanegra, boxer Nikola Sjekloč and Marko Ljubiša Kan (51), who was marked as a member of the Bar-Budva criminal group and who survived up to three murders. Kalostrovic is close to “Surcinci” and “Dorcolci”. He constantly receives them in Petrovac and Sveti Stefan, and they receive him as a guest in Belgrade. He has grown very strong in recent years and has strong connections and teammates in the Belgrade underground, says our source close to the court in Kotor, noting that the investigation is still secret.

Srdjan knezevic

Srdjan Knezevic, Photo: Private archive

– The recording of the incident that occurred on 24 August in Budva shows that Aleksa Stanković was present on the terrace of the cafe in the interval from 20 to 20:40, and the incident, according to the statements of the witnesses, happened around 22:30. There are three different witness statements. It is interesting that none of them coincide with Knezevic’s statements, so it is being determined whether the witnesses are protecting the prosecutor’s son or Knezevic was silent out of fear. Alexa is a bit more arrogant, but for now there is no reliable evidence that she participated in this. It is possible that someone cuts the part of the video where he can be seen – says our source close to the investigation.

After the Serbian media wrote about the incident in Budva, Milan Knezevic, the leader of the Democratic Front, called an extraordinary press conference and demanded the immediate resignation of prosecutor Ivica Stankovic. He confirmed that the video shows that Aleksa Stanković also mistreated the owner of “Knez Petrol”. The leader of the Democratic Front asked the president of the Kotor Court of First Instance to show the video to the public and recalled that Kalostrovic was arrested in Belgrade under a false name and with a police badge from the Police Administration of Montenegro.

Daddy’s son is a protected person

The Budva police administration announced that an indictment had been brought against Kaloštrović for the crime of autocracy.

– Aleksa Stanković, son of the Supreme State Prosecutor, stayed in the cafe for less than half an hour the night of the incident. The protected person was accompanied by a single officer of the police administration, who did not notice any incidental situation, it is written in the police statement. In a statement to “Vijesti”, Aleksa Stanković denied his involvement in that incident and said that he would sue everyone who linked him to it.
