Why is Trump better for Serbia?


Belgrade – Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić says it would be better for Serbia, Donald Trump, to be president of the United States again.

Source: Tanjug



According to him, the elections in the United States are important for Serbia because the attitude of the American administration towards some of our problems, such as Kosovo, could depend on who will be the president.

Speaking as a guest on RTS, Dacic assessed that Donald Trump’s victories have more answers for Serbia, because he does not approach the Kosovo issue as if it were a done deal.

“If we look from the aspect that the administration allowed us, Trump was more productive for us, that we did not approach the Kosovo issue from the aspect that it was a done deal,” Dacic said on RTS in a program dedicated to the US elections, which you evaluated as specific.

Dacic added that we certainly should not consider this administration as ideal, but the opportunity has opened that we can build a partnership that has a higher degree of trust.

“I would like to be strategic partners, not ad hoc,” Dacic said.

When asked how he thinks the Kosovo issue for the United States is not over, when Trump congratulated Pristina on her independence, Dacic added that Trump did not recognize Kosovo’s independence, but came to the “political stage prepared.”

In the administration of the Democrats a compromise is not required, the search for a solution, and in the Trump administration they expect a compromise, which, Dacic emphasized, is a big difference.

Concluding that the most important issue, the JCC, was not on Washington’s agenda, the head of Serbian diplomacy said no, because the White House was not dealing with political issues, but economic ones.

He added that political issues like Israel, China and Hezbollah were important to them.

Dacic evaluated that the next elections in the United States are specific because Trump is also a specific and complete phenomenon for three reasons: because with a fortune of 3.1 billion dollars he is the richest president of all time, because he is the oldest than he assumed office and did not come from the state apparatus. .

He also recalled that the electoral system in the United States is such that the winner may be the candidate with the fewest votes.
