Djilas in Pressing: Citizens do not feel economic progress because there is not


The president of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Djilas, affirmed in Pressing that, according to his assessment, people understood that this government does not have the capacity to solve their problems, to solve economic problems, crime, corruption, security issues. This government is involved in a million of these scandals, says Djilas. He believes that citizens do not feel the economic progress that the government speaks of “because it does not exist.” Speaking of the opposition, he says that it is necessary to form a common front, and it doesn’t matter how many columns there are. He is convinced that more people can beat Vučić.

It’s Djilas, talking about the EC report which was adopted today, said that even without it, “it is clear to all of us that there is no progress for Serbia in the accession process”, and recalled that no chapter has been opened for a year. Many things are criticized, a lot has been mentioned and how the police reacted to the demonstrations, and I think the report hit the spot: that what we are experiencing seems very gloomy, said the H1 guest.

The report was done in detail and says that the influence in the judiciary is enormous, that it is not independent, which is a problem for both citizens and the economy, he added. Speaking of media freedoms, Djilas says the important thing is that “this time the EC dealt with the essence and not just the form” – the Media Strategy was adopted, but he says there is no implementation. The report mentions, adds, threats against journalists. The journalists of H1 and Nova S are the most affected, says Djilas, adding that it is a small step to go from threats to facts, recalling the incident in front of the Asseco company.

Speaking of the positive things of the report, he says that progress is mentioned, and then he asks citizens – do they feel economic well-being, can they have more things for themselves and their family … He thinks that citizens “do not feel that progress” because does not exist “, adding that it is based on the data of the Office of Statistics of the Republic, that is,” Mr. Radovan Kovačević, whose arrival at the head of that institution in 2015 marks the beginning of the ‘economic boom’ in Serbia ” .

“Increase in debt, EPS, Telecom and Railways on the brink of bankruptcy”

Serbia’s debt has risen to 27 billion, notes the SAA leader. Djilas claims that Chinese companies are given jobs without tenders, that Serbia has signed more than 1 billion loans with Turkey, that this is money that will have to be paid back, adding that he is very skeptical about it. In particular, he says, because the construction of the subway was announced, which will cost 4,400 million “, although the project carried out by the French company in 2012 showed that we can do it for 2,200 million”. And again, it is the Chinese company that will get most of the work and there will be no tenders again, he adds.

It says that about 80,000 people work in the three large EPS companies, Telekom and Zeleznica: 55,000 work in EPS, about 10,000 in Telecom and about 20,000 in Zeleznica. “Those three companies are facing bankruptcy, they are in a catastrophic state, their debts are huge, they are issuing bonds to be able to pay their salaries. It will be thousands and billions of debts when the government changes,” said Djilas, noting that some a new government to wait to save those companies and families.

Mention is made, among other things, of the European Commission report on the progress of Serbia, which was adopted today in Brussels and the case of the troublemaker Aleksandar Obradović from Krušik.

Djilas says that the EC’s request is justified, but that he does not believe that it is being implemented in practice. When you talk about Serbia, you realize how many citizens believe in the story that he is a spy, and he is a man who tried to tell what is happening there, so that what is happening today in Krusik does not happen, that the people lose their jobs. and that SDPR (Jugoimport), a company listed on behalf of the State, issues bonds worth 130 million euros, says guest H1. “That means our dedicated industry is on the disastrous side.”

Speaking of the appointment of Ana Brnabić for the prime minister designate, it says nothing will change. That Assembly, in which there is no opposition, is not a parliament, Djilas said.

He expects talks between the opposition and the government “with serious mediation from the PE”

He mentioned that after this report, there is a serious debate on the situation in Serbia in the European Parliament, stating that he hopes that there will be talks between the government and the opposition, “but with serious mediation by the EP.” He says there are two key demands: the first is that RTS becomes a public service, the second, the control of the entire electoral process.

We must avoid pressure on the people in Serbia, we must free people from fear, they are not in favor of this government because they believe in it, but because they are afraid of it, says Djilas. “We must allow the people to express their opinions freely, allow the people to freely control the elections,” he said, adding that he thought that under such conditions, four million Serbian citizens would go to the polls and some 900,000 in Belgrade, and that ” this regime will go away. ” in the past “.

When asked what mathematics is behind this regime, as he said before, he will be overthrown in a year and a half, Djilas said that many things have changed in recent years, that many people have understood what is happening. There is much less fear, much more willingness to fight for some changes, people have realized that this government does not have the capacity to solve their problems – economic problems, crime, corruption, security, this government is involved in a million these scandals, ”he said. “The president himself said that corruption in the government is very high, we just don’t see the consequences of that,” he added.

He estimated that “a maximum of 1.5 million people can vote today for the SNS, they won 1,900,000 in the fraudulent elections with 400,000 inserted ballots.” Concluding that Vučić still made close to two million in 2017, Djilas says it was a long time ago, that he also convincingly beat Vučić with the Belgrade roster, but that it was in 2012.

When the media are released and people are allowed to vote fearlessly, that number drops by several hundred thousand, he says. When the SPS and SPAS are added, whose “President Aleksandar Šapić was elected President of the Municipality of New Belgrade by SNS votes tonight, all of that when added together, that’s less than two million,” Djilas said.

He believes that Vučić rules with fear not only in Serbia, but also in his party.

Make a common front, no matter how many columns, brigades there are …

Concluding that there are people who are dissatisfied with both the government and the opposition, he says that he agrees with that fact and that the opposition must deal with it. “We should put Vučić aside and show people that we are different, to show that we know more and that we can do something with this country,” Djilas said.

As for the heterogeneity of the opposition, the regime itself is working on that, says Pressing’s guest. He believes that a great opposition front should be formed with people who are not committed to the party, “for a change in this system, for freedom, democracy and justice.”

He recalled that Vučić announced early parliamentary elections. “Now you have a situation where the parties that went to the polls have some specific meetings … Let’s face it, if they had passed the census, they would not have called us for an interview, but there should be no tension about that … No it’s those parties. ” I am sure that both PSG and Sasa Radulovic are opponents of this regime, I do not ask questions about that, what I think is that today is not the time to talk about the number of columns, the presidential candidate, “Let’s talk about how, everyone together with the help of a democratic Europe, get to those free and fair elections. Let’s stop talking to some people about ourselves, but about concrete things, “he said.

“A thousand candles for Ivanovic”

Djilas recalled that soon (October 12), a thousand days have passed since the political assassination of Oliver Ivanovic, and that nothing is known yet. He added that at the UOS meeting they said that it was time to mark it, indicating that they would launch the action “The thousand candles for Ivanovic” on Monday in the Church of San Marcos. I would like all citizens to come to pay tribute to this man, to unite in one specific thing, and then in others, said Djilas.

Concluding that there are still some conflicts in the opposition, the case of Nikola Jovanovic, Djilas says that he does not see it that way, and that “we just do not look at the same thing in the same way, but that it is not essential.” If we all shared the same opinions, we would be a single party, he said about the United Opposition.

The Serbian opposition should learn from the Montenegrin opposition, he says, that there must be a common front, and no matter how many columns, brigades, divisions there are …

He believes that there are more people in Serbia who could beat Vučić in the democratic elections. We can find a candidate for Belgrade and a candidate for the presidency of Serbia, says Djilas.

Speaking about October 5, he stated that it certainly could have been better after him and that many things had been broken in the meantime, but that change was possible that day: to start living as outsiders. On the fact that some people from the Milosevic government, who held positions in it, are still in power today, he said – “as they ran it then, they run it today – catastrophically.”

“Two billion and 700 million are given to unnecessary spending”

When asked what are the key things that will change, he affirms that the SAA gives guarantees: that the minimum wage will be 500 euros for four years from the change of government, that the salary of doctors will be 1500 euros, of teachers 1000, and the minimum of 350 immediately and 500 for four years. He says that he guarantees that by working in his company, where the average salary was 1,000 euros, and the maid’s salary was 600 euros, noting that the company operated in the region.

I guarantee it with the knowledge of the people who were behind that role, who can read the budget, he said.

Two thousand seven hundred million is spent in this country in senseless and unnecessary expenses, says Djilas, speaking of the budget.

As an example, he cited the Baja-Subotica-Szeged railway, which costs 150 million euros, and states that we do not need it, because it serves to connect two Hungarian cities, asking how many people would use it. “Do we need a National Stadium worth 250 million euros? Can’t we build a road that will cost 1,200 instead of Čačak to Kruševac (Pojate-Preljina), and the work was again given to Turks and Americans this time, also without a tender, “Can we, like Italy, build a four-lane road for 300 million and we have 900 million euros left,” he said, adding that with that money, anything can be done.

He says that part of his plan is a social pension. It promises the reconstruction of schools and 20 students in the class in a few years, so that more teachers are hired …

Concluding that there was a feeling that while he was mayor, he underestimated the culture, he says, “I was wrong and I didn’t have a team of people who could answer that.”

He says that he would annul the agreements by which some national resources were handed over to foreigners, and that he explained that the law to nationalize those resources had been passed and that they would pay the foreigners everything – “but it must be Serbian. Land, water, mines – must to be ours, ”he says.

Djilas says that there is corruption at every step “see Aseko, Telecom, televisions and cable providers are being bought at four times the price”, and that is why a law on the origin of property and laws relating to the special prosecutor’s office should be passed. , put politicians in a situation to explain the origin of their money.

Talking about what they are offensive posters on him Stuck at the entrance of the school where his children go, he said that there is no problem with that because his children know who he is and that he will fight for a society in which no child has a problem because their parents are involved in politics.
