
The Minister of the Interior, Nebojsa Stefanovic, said today that during the weekend more than 170 kilograms of narcotics were seized in two actions and several people who were involved in drug trafficking were arrested.

On the occasion of the last two actions in Jagodina and Kragujevac, the minister praised the serious and excellent work of the members of the criminal police in the fight against drug traffickers, in which, he added, he insisted from day one.

– The members of the police demonstrate in this way that they are tireless in their work, that there are no weekends for them, that there are no Saturdays and Sundays for them, neither days nor nights, for them there is only a fight for the safety of Serbia – said the minister.

Members of the Ministry of the Interior in Jagodina arrested PM (42) from Jagodina and PR (42) from Ćuprija on suspicion that they were involved in the unauthorized production and distribution of narcotic drugs.

Police stopped a “Renault Senik” with Belgrade registration, driven by PM, in the vicinity of Ćuprija, and during a search of the car, they found five bags of marijuana with a total weight of 29 kilograms.

Later, during the search of the house of the suspect PM, a greater quantity of marijuana and equipment for its cultivation under artificial conditions were found.

Likewise, in the territory of Jagodina and Paracin, four marijuana plantations were found, which, as suspected, were cultivated by PM, while PR is in charge of helping the suspected PM

In this action, the police seized a total of 166.6 kilograms of that drug. According to the order of the Superior Public Ministry of Jagodina, the suspects were detained for up to 48 hours, after which they will be brought before the competent prosecutor with a criminal report.

Yesterday, the police seized more than four kilograms of narcotics in Kragujevac and detained a DJ (28) on suspicion of having committed the crime of unauthorized production and distribution of narcotics.

During the search at the suspect’s apartment, the police seized around 3.8 kilograms of amphetamines and a small amount of cocaine, and during the examination of the “alfa romeo” he was driving, about 200 grams of heroin were found in the cassette along with to the gearbox.

The Minister recalled that since the beginning of the year, more than 5.8 tons of drugs have been seized in police actions and more than 1,200 merchants have been arrested in collaboration with the competent prosecutors.

– And that must not be a result with which you are completely satisfied, so I want to encourage you to continue even more decisively in the tireless fight for a safe and secure Serbia – said Stefanović.
