Did you stab two people at your ex-wife’s home?


Investigators are examining the motive for the double wound, which occurred on Sunday night on Nedeljka Čabrinovića Street in Banovo Brdo in Belgrade.

According to the neighbors, the bloody fight took place in the house where the mother with three children lives, and it is suspected that the aggressor is her ex-husband.

– The house is divided into two parts, and in the part where the injury occurred there lives a woman with three teenage children. We hear two versions. One is that her ex-husband came to visit the children on Sunday and then two men approached them.

They allegedly got into a fight and the ex-husband pulled out a kitchen knife and stabbed the two; the neighbor says and adds:

– The second version is that the ex found a new boyfriend of the ex-wife in the house and that there was a conflict over that. Neighbors say the attacker was arrested and they know him as problematic. The wounded are in the hospital.

Kurir.r – BT

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