
Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that we absolutely all have to defend the outcome in the fight against the crown. He points out that it is difficult to avoid the third wave, given our behavior.

According to the last section, another 51 people are infected with the coronavirus, of which 36 are in Belgrade.

Dr. Predrag Kon, as a guest on the Belgrade Chronicle, said that the Belgrade 36 is still more than the previous 7 to 27, as we have had it mainly in the last month in the capital.

– The largest number of Kovid ambulances in Belgrade was 39. As soon as there are more than 50 in Belgrade, it is a sign to us that the situation could be serious, that a smaller epidemic should start – said Kon.

– We keep school teams under control – says the epidemiologist and adds that all authorities must act according to the situation.

They talk about numbers, review of the deceased and the question is if there were other omissions.

Kon explains that it is necessary to understand what the current moment and time mean, but also the subsequent data collection.

– We are talking about anything: you are convinced that everyone wears masks on the bus, and then someone says that no one wears a mask, so to measure that – time must pass – Kon explained about the example of a bus.

Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

Speaking of who should defend the measures and the favorable epidemic situation, Kon believes that absolutely all of us have to defend the result.

– A certain percentage of people do not believe in the measures, about 10 percent, which is not a small number, of 30 people on the bus, three are like this – explained Dr. Kon.

You have to warn and then punish. Neighboring countries have imposed severe sanctions, we have not.

– It is important to recognize. He who does not wear a mask knows that he is committing an offense – warns Kon.

– Others feel threatened, it is a special situation and we have to talk about it, get close to these people, but they do not believe deeply. This was how it was to fasten the seat belt in the car, until he began to be punished – remembers Kon.

Speaking of the third wave, he says that everything depends on how we maintain the result and that it is hard to believe that it can be avoided.

– If we were all rigorously disciplined, maybe we could, but there is an increase that we are trying to squeeze so that it does not explode like in July, so that the system survives – says Dr. Kon.

– We should do everything, growth is inevitable, winter is coming, the experience is that there are no negotiations with the virus – Predrag Kon concluded.
