The icon of the Serbian people was kidnapped and now the great war will decide the fate of Christianity



05.10.2020. 13:01 – 05.10.2020. 13:08

Serbian honorary consul in Armenia, Babken Simonjan, estimated that the war in the Nagorno Karabakh region will stop soon and that it cannot be worse than when innocent people die, and that the fate of Christianity is decided in that conflict.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh, Photo: Tanjug / AP

In an interview with Vecernje Novosti, he said that the world public strongly condemns the aggression of Azerbaijan and Turkey and that it is a threat not only to the region but to the entire world.

“The fate of Christianity is being decided in Karabakh, but also that of humanity and civilization. The world must understand that or it will be too late to stop the Turkish aggression against neighboring countries. Azerbaijan and Turkey are a threat on that brilliant path. of peace, “Simonjan said.

According to him, there is no comparison between Karabakh and Kosovo because Kosovo is the cradle of the medieval Serbian state.

“The icon of the Serbian people that was kidnapped and handed over to the Albanians, such as the two Armenian regions of Karabakh and Nakhichevan, was handed over to the Azerbaijanis in 1921. These are two different problems. There was a referendum,” he said.

On the other hand, he continues, Kosovo has long been inhabited by Serbs in their original territories and that is the difference between Kosovo and Karabakh.

Simonjan says that the Armenian and Serbian peoples are connected by a tragic history and said that the homeland is above everything, even above life.

“Without sacrifice there is no salvation or victory,” he said.
