Media: “Non-academic behavior” confirmed, Professor Popovi awaits punishment


Belgrade – On October 2, the Ethics Commission unanimously confirmed that the professor of the Faculty of Economics, Danica Popovi, plagiarized the work using the material of the deceased colleague.

Source: Kurir

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According to the Belgrade media, she used her translation of an international economics textbook without citing

The decision on plagiarism was taken, as stated, unanimously by the Ethics Commission, after which the Expert Commission of the Faculty of Economics affirmed in two reports that Popovieva flagrantly abused the author’s work of his late colleague.

It has been officially confirmed that Popovieva, four months after the death of Professor Babi, during the publication of the supplementary edition of the textbook on international economics, written by Dominique Salvatore, removed his late colleague from the list of translators and submitted his I work as my own.

In his opinion, the Ethics Commission of the Faculty of Economics, which also includes two high-ranking members of the Democratic Party, avoided using the term “plagiarism” and has repeatedly emphasized “Professor Popovi’s non-academic conduct.” For this reason, the commission proposed to the dean of the Faculty of Economics to issue a public reprimand to the professor and read to all the professors at the next session of the Teaching-Scientific Council that Danica Popovi had abused the author’s work of the late professor Babi.

The final decision must be made by the Teaching-Scientific Council, which will meet on Wednesday and which, after considering the report of the Dean, the Strings and Ethics Commission, will make a decision on the imposition of a measure on Professor Danica Popova.

Given that it is a proven non-academic behavior, he hopes that the Teaching-Scientific Council will adopt the report of the Ethics Commission on non-academic behavior, after which the teachers will decide between the public reprimand measure and public condemnation, according to Kurir .
