SZS: With the attack against the Djilas family, the government has entered the darkest phase – Politics


In a statement, the SZS recalled that it had already warned of possible conflicts in society due to current political divisions, and reiterated that the attackers “would defend on the streets and everywhere.”

“We do not ask the police to investigate this case or the court to try the perpetrators.” The sponsor and inspirer of all attacks against non-dissidents in Serbia is personally (President of Serbia) Aleksandar Vucic. You need to be judged. There is adequate punishment in the laws of this country for what they do all these days. But the courts, as well as the Assembly and the Government were taken over by Vucic, “the statement said.

The SZS added that the democratic opposition and citizens have an obligation “to create as soon as possible the conditions under which these sentences will be imposed in the courts.”

The leader of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Djilas, previously reported on social media that supporters of the Djilasa Thief sang ten-minute songs from the loudspeaker in their neighborhood, which annoyed their children, who were “crying and trembling scary”.
