| THIS WEEKEND IS KEY: Belgrade is marked as FOCUS


Due to the renewed increase in the number of crowns infected with the virus in our country, the authorities are appealing to strict compliance with epidemiological measures.

Belgrade is now marked as a hotspot, and the weekend represents something of a turning point when it comes to the epidemiological situation in the coming days.

Why this weekend – because yesterday and today we had more than 100 newcomers, which was not the case a long time ago, and the other thing is that this increase was noticed on the eve of the weekend, when citizens move more, go out, hang out …

After yesterday’s cross-section when we had 111 newly infected (which is the most in one day since August 27, when there were 125), the Crisis Team first responded and appealed to citizens to respect the measure that is crucial to the subsequent course of epidemics.

Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic

Crisis staff emphasized that maintaining a high level of discipline and personal responsibility is crucial in this period. Special emphasis is placed on the use of masks indoors: shopping centers, shops, urban traffic, post offices, banks …

– It is a preventive measure that can preserve our health and provide a calmer autumn. Regular room ventilation, hand hygiene, space disinfection, and distance maintenance are crucial to achieving our goal, which is the final victory over the corona virus. Although the situation is relatively stable at the moment, our fight with kovid still continues and any irresponsible behavior today can cost us dearly tomorrow, crisis staff announced.

Shortly after the Staff Crisis, the Prime Minister warned about the importance of respecting the measures, but also regular monitoring of their implementation. Ana Brnabić.

It requires that mayors and mayors take the situation very seriously and use all possible resources to keep the level of control of preventive measures at the highest possible level. It also demanded that the use of masks be strictly respected in public transport, as well as in all enclosed spaces, especially in shops and shopping centers, and that this applies to both employees and citizens.

The return of the holidays, as well as the start of the academic school year, with the relaxation and non-compliance with the measures, probably led to Belgrade once again being the focus of the coronavirus.

Photo: Tanjug / Rade Prelić

Of the total number of newly infected, which rises to 107 in the last 24 hours, up to 55 people, that is, more than half of the total number are from Belgrade.

The next city in terms of number of infected is Novi Sad with five and Bujanovac with three new infected, while in the rest of cities and municipalities the number of new infected in the last 24 hours does not exceed two.

Crisis personnel warn that such numbers warn that it is very important that the citizens of Belgrade respect the maximum protective measures.


Nothing to close the capital

Even if Belgrade was flagged as a hot spot, after yesterday’s Crisis Staff session, it was said that the complete closure of the city was not even the subject of the meeting.

– There will be no closure of Belgrade, this is not discussed nor is the issue on the agenda. Do not read lies and nonsense about the supposed quarantine of social networks that are deliberately placed to deceive the public – said the deputy mayor Goran Vesić and added that certain measures will be intensified as of this weekend.

Key measures and sanctions on pepper

As since the beginning of the epidemic, the most important thing to prevent further spread of the virus is to respect the measures. Starting this weekend, all these measures will be intensified, and this will be in charge of the joint patrols of the communal militia, health inspectors of the republic and members of the Ministry of the Interior.

– Public transport will be controlled separately. However, there is no police who can control every bus, every shop or restaurant. So we have to control ourselves, that is, protect ourselves and others. Everyone knows how hard I have struggled in recent months to ensure that catering services and the economy work, that people earn money, that life flows normally and, at the same time, protect the health of the population. Let us be responsible this weekend and do not let everything we have done well so far be ruined – said the deputy mayor of Belgrade yesterday.

Photo: Popovic

Use of a mask, regular hygiene, disinfection, distance, less physical contact with people, which mainly refers to hugging, shaking hands and kissing.

So, it is forbidden to gather more than 30 people inside, so we must not go, or organize celebrations and parties so that the epidemiological situation does not get worse.

On the other hand, in the event of any infringement and non-compliance with the measures, and thereby endangering the lives of other people, there are sanctions that may be 20,000 to 2 million dinars.

Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic

Penalties for non-compliance in restaurants and cafes can cost owners a minimum of 500,000 dinars. The owners are obliged to organize the maintenance of hygiene, disinfection of utensils and tables, provide protective equipment on tables and toilets, as well as machine washing dishes.

The fine for employees who do not respect the prescribed measures ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 dinars.

Those who do not wear masks on public transport in the city or indoors will need to be ready to “charge” between 20,000 and 150,000 dinars. Legal persons that do not respect the prescribed measures will allocate 50,000 to 2,000,000 dinars from the account.
