Mali: the gains during the ilas were not worth a man


Belgrade – Finance Minister Sinia Mali reacted today to the latest calls from the President of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Dragan Ilas.

Source: B92



Mali said that every time he left, he said he “has a plan” for every Serbian citizen in March, because they remember how they lived during his rule.

“Not long ago, that frustrated, aimless and ideal attempt of the politicians left us a debt in the City of Belgrade of 1,200 million euros, a deficit of more than 20 percent, but it enriched their companies by 619 million euros” , He said. He recalled that parents paid much more for kindergarten in Ilas’s time, that he built the “ghost” Puzzle City, that he took the Pioneer City from the children, and that he did not pay help to pregnant women and mothers-in-law. .

He affirmed that the piles of numbers that, as he explained, Ilas arbitrarily designate, cannot return him to power.

Dragan Ilas obviously has a memory problem, when he can say that no one in Serbia should have a salary less than 350 euros, because he obviously forgot that during the government of him and his friends, the minimum wage was twice lower than that. it’s today, ”Mali explained and asked if the gains during the ilas were worth a man.

Commenting on the Ilas plan on the salaries of health workers, the minister said that it was obvious that the patriot last year forgot under what conditions and for what salaries these workers worked in his time.

“These are the Potemkin towns of Ilas politics where he tries to get back in his chair and keep stealing. Yet the citizens of this country have long understood the direction of Ilas’s latest impulse to present himself as a philanthropist. The salary of a nurse at the Serbian Clinical Center at that time was around 31,000 dinars, while today she earns twice as much, both for ilas as a lover of men, “said Mali.

The Finance Minister also stated that it is obvious that Ilas cannot bear the successes Serbia is achieving, which are recognized by major international financial institutions.

“Obviously, Ilas understands that the economic policy that Serbia follows is successful, and that success hurts. That is why it is better to make phantom plans to seize the state coffers and start earning hard-earned money from all citizens,” he said .

Mali emphasized that economic policy is now based on real bases and not on fantasy.

“Despite the difficult situation that has affected the whole world, Serbia, according to initial estimates, achieved growth of 0.1 percent in the third quarter. Unemployment in the second quarter is at a historically low level of 7.3%. We have done it and we continue to do it. “So that the citizens and the economy of this country feel less the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. I sincerely believe that we will be the best in Europe in terms of economic growth, “Mali said.

The minister added that despite the coronum virus pandemic, 1,613 million euros of foreign investment arrived in Serbia in the first seven months.

Once again, we are the first in terms of foreign direct investment in all the Western Balkans, despite all the challenges. More than 60 percent of them have decided to invest in Serbia. Since the whole world sees and recognizes the decisive and above all responsible economic policy. President Alexander Vui, I have no doubt that we will achieve even better results and attract even more investment, “said the Finance Minister.

Mali concluded that Serbia will continue to build and create a better life for all citizens of Serbia.
