In front of the Rasta building INSPECTORS in plain clothes: Neighbors revealed details of the arrest of the famous rapper! (VIDEO)



02.10.2020. 17:47 – 02.10.2020. 18:08

After the singer was arrested today Stefan Đurić Rasta Because he had 5 grams of marijuana with him, the police also searched his apartment where they found a kilogram of this narcotic.

According to the prosecutor of the Belgrade Superior Prosecutor’s Office, Stefan Đurić Rasta will be detained for up to 48 hours.

That is, as we found out unofficially, plainclothes inspectors were seen in front of Rasta’s building, which was confirmed by their neighbors from neighboring buildings, so they revealed the details of the arrest for our portal. The neighbors did not want to be filmed.

Plant building

Photo: Alo!

– Yes, I noticed that the inspectors were in plain clothes, they probably came with a search warrant for the apartment. I did not see the growth, but I know that he lives in this building – said one of the neighbors of our portal, who wanted to remain anonymous.

The rest of the neighborhood declined to comment on the rapper’s arrest and said:

Plant building

Photo: Alo!

– I really don’t know who it is, I hear it for the first time, I didn’t see anything – said a visibly upset neighbor from the building. While the market lady would not say anything, she claimed that she did not know who Rasta was.

At the top of the text, hear what Rastina’s neighbors had to say about the rapper’s arrest.
