Panić and Radovanovi: Kon – Headquarters light, the public to protect it to continue to submit data


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon is a Headquarters light, because he first confirmed that he was not a protective team, and now that the data on the deaths of kovid 19 are hidden, the public should now protect him and allow him to present more information about what we it happened. This entire government lied, said the president of the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists of Serbia, Rade Panić, at the 360 ​​degree show. We must say that Kon had the courage, agreed epidemiologist Zoran Radovanović.

“Few people believe in the official data, first it was a period of doubt and then anger, and now it is a mockery. It is not easy to be a member of the crisis staff, I mean the non-political part, we are witnessing riots and phenomena that I I would call – collaborating witness, there is a conscientious desire, to open up the crisis staff members to tell the truth, ”Radovanović said.

Panic stated that it is important that you know the correct data in public, but it is much more important if the professional part of the staff knows it, because if we knew that the number is higher, it would change the way the staff would decide on the measures to implement.

Currently many things are being put together in a puzzle, I believe that eventually we will discover the truth and those who need to answer will respond.

Rade panic

“The truth is that the data was available in the covid database, at least the ones Kon talks about, and I doubt that those numbers are still not entirely accurate. The question is who sent the data to Batut at the Serbian level. “A new database will be created on Sunday and again I will have reasonable grounds to suspect that someone is trying to hide the data,” Panic said.

He added that we still have a lot to learn about what happened and how, and whether we will succeed is a very important question.

Radovanović believes that in this case it is not certain that any justice will be satisfied, but it is good for the mental health of these people to open up and raise that issue. “I understand the reaction of Kona, it is true that he did not say that for the first time he came out with that information, but only now has it attracted the attention of the media and the general public,” he added.

Panic said the number of new patients was certainly reduced, as did the falsified data on the number of tests performed, and especially on their quality and type. “They were probably more reduced for new patients than for deceased patients, because it is more difficult to hide that information,” he said.

Talking about Minister Zlatibor Loncar’s statement that the figures data are not correct, Panic said Loncar did not deny Kona in the first statement, but attacked journalists and said journalists were happy that there were more deaths. .

“A colleague acted very unethically, the fact that all the deceased were not reported and that the minister covers him is an additional humiliation for the deceased. It is not enough that they died, they still have to be humiliated posthumously, that speaks of the attitude of the government towards the entire population, “he said.

The minister’s statement is really scandalous, Radovanović said. “I deeply believe that now he is ashamed of her,” he added.

“Kona should not be abolished for what he did, but I certainly consider him a whistleblower or a collaborating witness, we need information that what we are pointing out is really true. Now pressure from the public and health workers must be the one that leads to “The medical part of the Headquarters must receive the correct data. Kon must insist that he has access to the correct data, “Panic said.

He also said that he would like you to know who confirmed to Kona and the medical staff that the information they had at their disposal was correct. “I think there were manipulations at the Trampoline level, we should first ask Darija Kisić Tepavčević what was going on, and we know that she had something to do with the information system … Currently a lot of things are being put into the puzzle, I think we will find out the truth and that those who must respond will respond ”, he concluded.

Radovanović also said that it turned out that the number of those tested increased several hundred thousand times. “They are huge differences, the data was manipulated a lot,” he added.

“We have to say that Kon had the courage and admitted earlier that the measures taken were not optimal, because we did not follow the best experiences in the world, and the WHO recommendations, we did not have enough evidence, and he admitted it,” added Radovanovic.

The guests agreed that the actual data should be sent to epidemiologists immediately.

“The data when the epidemic passes does not mean anything, Crisis and Kon staff need data at the moment, there are many days in the epidemic, why should we wait for the data to be available now?” Panic said.

Radovanovic also said that it was impossible for someone in Batut not to remember to “collect data, or not know how to collect it, or that it was a distraction from an IT specialist,” while Panic also asked why a new database was being built. covid. expressing suspicion that the only reason for the old “data to be hidden”.

The minister also stated that no one can determine why someone died, the minister does not seem to be a doctor, if he knows little about what is happening with the new virus, he should know that the clinical picture is so clear in some patients that there is nothing plus. it can be a cause of death rather than a covid, ”he said.

Panic also said that all the hidden data speaks of what the idea of ​​the crisis headquarters was. “A good part of my colleagues were abused and put in a very uncomfortable situation,” he said.

He said the new request from Unidos Contra Kovid was to urgently supervise the Novi Pazar and Tutin hospital. “If (the director) Meho Mahmutović worked correctly, there is no reason not to,” he concluded.
