Everyone must be reported, there is no exception, this is the last warning.



01.10.2020. 14:35

The law prohibits penalties for minor offenses for failure to comply with these obligations.

Money, dinars

Money, dinars, Photo: Shutterstock

Starting today, all non-categorized catering facilities will be required to register all national and foreign tourists, through the eTourist central information system.

The legal obligation refers to catering companies that provide accommodation services in catering establishments not categorized as hostels, lodgings, lodgings, lodgings, inns, ethnic houses, farms, chalets, camps, tourist complexes … it is published in the website of the Ministry of Tourism.

The obligation also applies to catering companies that provide accommodation in catering facilities not categorized for nautical tourism, as well as to hunting tourism: hunting lodge, hunting lodge and hunting lodge.

All of them are required to submit an application for registration to the local self-government unit in whose territory the facility is located.

If the catering does not fulfill its obligation, it commits an infringement of the catering and foreigners law, of which the tourist inspection and the service for foreigners of the Ministry of the Interior will be informed.

Local governments are required to keep records of catering and catering services, which provide accommodation services in uncategorized catering establishments, as well as categorized domestic handicraft facilities (house, apartment and room) and rural tourist homes, and to enter them in the central information system.

The law prohibits infractions for failure to comply with these obligations, so the responsible person in local self-government is threatened with a fine of 50,000 to 100,000 dinars.

They point out that as of today, eTourist is becoming the sole source of data for the Republic’s Office of Tourism Statistics.
