THE VACCINATION BEGINS TOMORROW Who should receive the vaccine, who is it recommended and what happens to those who want to, but are not in these two groups


This year is especially important due to the large coverage of the population with vaccination against influenza, as it represents a protection against the massive spread of the disease. Vaccination is especially important because of the Pavid 19 pandemic, says the “Blic” doc. Dr. Verica Jovanovic, Acting Director of the “Trampoline” Institute.

Jovanovic recalls that the epidemiologist’s position is that immunization against seasonal flu will begin, as scheduled, on October 1. The Ministry of Health has provided a record number of doses of influenza vaccine, more than 500,000 doses. The vaccines will be free for all citizens, and are currently being distributed to health institutions, so that they are available in all health centers.

Apart from the fact that the vaccine is mandatory for certain groups of people, and recommended for some, all other citizens who simply want to get vaccinated against seasonal flu can do so. All they need to do is call the chosen doctor at the health center, consult with her and make an appointment, and the vaccination is free.

Dr. Verica JovanovicPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Dr. Verica Jovanovic

– Influenza is a seasonal disease for which vaccination is the most effective preventive measure. The surest form of individual and collective protection is vaccination every season. Currently, 343,920 doses of the quadrivalent Influvac Tetra vaccine are being distributed in Serbia, intended for people over three years of age. Another 1,000 contracted doses are expected to be delivered, for children 6 months to 3 years. The amounts indicated are in accordance with the needs plan of the health institutions that carry out the immunization, and are around 50,000 doses higher than the amount that was purchased for the previous season. The Torlak Institute plans to deliver more than 200,000 doses of additional flu vaccine this year, says the director of “Trampoline.”

Given the Covid 19 epidemic, additional flu vaccines will reduce the risk of illness and potential complications. This is especially important because it will reduce the number of people suffering from the flu, there will be fewer complications from this respiratory disorder and the capacity of the health system will be more accessible for Covid 19, explains Jovanović.

Who is the priority

– Priority is given to people with special risk of contracting these chronic diseases, then to people housed and employed in gerontological centers and socio-sanitary institutions, as well as to people employed in health institutions to prevent the spread of influenza and prevent complications that could lead to simultaneous new coronavirus infections. The vaccination of the population belonging to risk groups is carried out to preserve health, but also to maintain the population’s collective immunity – explains Dr. Jovanović.

The quantities of vaccines available at this time are intended for priority immunization, that is, for the vaccination of those most at risk of infection.

– This year, more flu vaccines have been provided to make them available to the general population, including interested citizens. At this time, the priority is the vaccination of people who are at the highest risk of developing a severe clinical picture, with possible complications, which can lead to death. All interested citizens should visit their doctor and consult with him about vaccination against influenza. It is very important that all general preventive measures (keeping physical distance, hand hygiene, use of protective masks), which are applied to prevent Covid 19, are very effective in preventing influenza, so your application is very important. , since a higher incidence of respiratory infections is expected. Masks, hand hygiene, physical distance are still the three “golden” rules, says Verica Jovanović.

500,000 doses provided

The Ministry of Health announced that Serbia will have more than 500,000 doses of flu vaccine.

– The Ministry of Health, in accordance with the global pandemic of coronary viruses, as well as the greatest interest of citizens, this year delivered a record number of doses of influenza vaccines of more than 500,000 doses. Vaccines against influenza will be free for all citizens and are currently being distributed to health institutions. The current epidemiological situation is stable, so going to health institutions does not represent a great risk for citizens who wish to be vaccinated – they affirmed in the Ministry.

It is especially important, they point out, to vaccinate people with chronic diseases, as well as people with associated diseases.

Who should get vaccinated

In accordance with the Ordinance on the mandatory and recommended immunization schedule, mandatory immunization is carried out: in people at special risk, that is, in pregnant women and all those over 6 months with chronic disorders of the pulmonary system, cardiovascular system (except hypertension), metabolic disorders, kidney dysfunction, hemoglobinopathy, chronic neurological disorders, immunosuppression, as well as transplant recipients.

According to epidemiological indications, immunization is carried out in people housed and employed in gerontological centers; with children, young people and the elderly housed in social and health institutions and with people employed in these institutions, with employees in health institutions. The vaccine is free for all population categories.

VIDEO: SURVEY: Are you vaccinated against Covid-19?
