Does Tomin’s son measure the position of Serbian ambassador to China?


DIPLOMAT: Does Tomin's son measure the position of Serbian ambassador to China?

Tomislav Nikolić led the way for his son, Photo: Marina Lopičić

Radomir Nikolic, former mayor of Kragujevac and son of Tomislav Nikolic, chairman of the National Council for Coordination of Cooperation with Russia and China, could be the new Serbian ambassador to China, Kurir has learned.

Family ties

Although, after the parliamentary elections, it was said that Nikolic wanted to continue his political career in Nemanjina 11, as one of the ministers, according to our source, he should be offered the post of ambassador in Beijing.

– Milan Bacevic’s term as ambassador ended and recently returned to Serbia. Right now, Radomir Nikolić is the safest for that position. Of course, in the end, it is up to him to decide whether he wants to go to Beijing, says our source, and that this evolution of the situation is never surprising.

Radomir Nikolic Chinese must study
Radomir Nikolic Chinese must studyphoto: Nemanja Nikolić

– Foreigners are telling Nikolić that he will be the new ambassador and that Bačević, whose daughter is married to Radomir’s younger brother Branislav, has paved the way for him. Secondly, Toma (Tomislav Nikolić) heads the Office, that is, the China Cooperation Council, and is well connected with its representatives. And his younger brother Branislav also found a home in China, where he also runs a football school – he adds.

Radomir Nikolic did not respond to the message with a specific question. As officials from the ruling coalition chatter about the new charges, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said yesterday that this week is crucial for the formation of the new government. Brnabić stated that he believes the new cabinet in Nemanjina 11 will be formed in mid-October, as Kurir announced a few days ago.

A key week

– I think next week will be crucial for the formation of the government, the president is here in the country, there is no need for talks abroad – Brnabić said on TV Pink, recalling that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić was in Washington and Istanbul in The last weeks. is to go to Brussels too.

As he stated, next week, that is to say, during this week, talks will be held with potential partners, “with all the parliamentary parties that have passed the census,” and then a government will be formed in mid-October. If President Vučić follows the same order as in the first round, representatives of minority parties will come to him first for consultations, then Spas leader Aleksandar Šapić, and finally SPS-JS coalition leaders Ivica Dačić and Dragan Marković Palma.


Such a framing would be appreciated by the Chinese.

photo: Zorana Jevtić

Political analyst Dragomir Andjelković points out that since China is a friendly country, it is important for someone to be an ambassador there when they are perceived as a representative of the state leadership.

– Radomir Nikolić is not part of the state leadership, but is the son of the former state president, which the Chinese can interpret as an additional respect – says Andjelković.


Did Bacevic offer the post of ambassador to Belarus?

photo: Dado Đilas

As Kurir learns, the post of ambassador to Belarus was offered to Milan Bacevic, former Serbian ambassador to China. It was said that this position would be offered to Aleksandar Vulin, the defense minister, but Bacevic was still seen for that position.

– There are 30 vacancies / vacancies for ambassadors. Bacevic, who has just returned from China, was offered the post of Serbian representative in Minsk. He has not yet commented on that offer, our source notes. Katarina Blagović Photo: Marina Lopičić

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