The conflict between Lutovac and Lecic in the DS


It is not yet clear how the Democratic Party will function in the future. Because, although part of the Democrats voted in yesterday’s elections that the party will be led by Branislav Lecic in the future, who claims to have won the majority of votes, Zoran Lutovac affirms otherwise. He points out that the elections are illegitimate and that he remains the only chairman of the Democratic Party.

United Democratic Party or disintegration? Old or new president? These are questions for which there is still no clear answer, not even a day after the elections held by a part of the Democrats headed by Branislav Lecic.

“A large part, eighty-odd percent, went to the polls, of which 72 percent voted for me as the current president-elect and five vice presidents, and of course for the politics I represent,” says Lecic.

Zoran Lutovac, on the other hand, says he is still the chairman of the Democrats. “Branislav Lecic is the leader of the expelled or excluded members of the DS, former members of the party,” says Lutovac.

While Branislav Lečić says that he was not expelled from the party, because, as he himself says, he did not receive a decision about it, but a notification in the media, Zoran Lutovac claims that some members are familiar with the expulsion in detail.

It also points out that that is why legitimate elections could not be held, but that a small group of former and current officials carried out an action.

“Yesterday there were no elections, because for elections to exist, they must be called, and they can only be called in two ways: be called by the president or by an absolute majority of the total number of members of the main board. It did not happen,” says Lutovac .

Lutovac constantly thinks it’s a party, Lecic replies. “That is not true, and it is like a child who now closes his eyes, all the time thinks that the world does not exist, if you close your eyes, the world does not exist, the Democratic Party has defended itself, acts according to the Statute, and there is no court “. that can challenge the decisions we’ve made, “says Lecic.

Lutovac, on the other hand, notes that more than 90 percent of party members support him. “Even if it hadn’t been that long ago, they would have taken over the Democratic Party,” he says.

For Lecic, however, the calculation is clear. “It’s clear to the voters, the majority is here. Imagine when you get 73 percent of the votes from people who are party members, then there is more evidence,” Lecic asks.

As both sides search for evidence, which they claim is the only correct one, Vreme journalist Jovana Gligorijevic says the whole situation around the Democratic Party is turning “painful.”

“DS is characterized by divisions and divisions, but it has never happened that such a small number of people who stayed there with such enthusiasm, and I must say that at the same time chilling and inappropriate, fight for something, and nobody is clear about it. Really I am no longer clear about what remains of that match, so that there is so much looting, “says Gligorijevic.

Incidentally, the United Opposition of Serbia announced that it supports the Democratic Party and its, as stated, legal president Zoran Lutovac in the fight against “attempts to illegally seize the party”. They announced that they would familiarize partners from the European Union and other countries with the events of the party, as well as international institutions dealing with the rule of law.
