Djordjevic: Vucic is falsifying the past, he is trying to do the same with the present – Politics


The president of the Oslobodjenje movement, Mladjan Djordjevic, said today that representatives of the current government and its propagandists, before each commemoration of Operation Halliard, reiterated that “the rescue of the American pilots was carried out by ‘locals from the villages of Suvobor’ , and that it was only timidly mentioned that they belonged to, or is left out. “

Djordjevic: Vucic falsifies the past, tries to do the same with the present 1Mladjan Djordjevic Photo: Private archive

“During it, members of the Serbian movement Ravna Gora, led by General Mihailovic, saved more than 500 American pilots. The United States remembers and appreciates that Serbian feat. That can be a good basis for building Serbian-American relations.” Djordjevic said in a written statement, noting that “the Bolshevik regime is rewriting history.”

Djordjevic stated that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic “falsifies the past by trying to present the present as not with lies”, and that his actions “lead to the capitulation of Kosovo”, stating that the citizens of Serbia understand him. and “soon they will say no” to such a way.

As announced, Vučić will attend the celebration of the 76th anniversary of Operation “Halliard” in Pranjani, in the municipality of Gornji Milanovac.

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