Krivokapic: Instead of apologizing to Vucic, I ask Serbian leaders to cooperate (VIDEO) – Politics


We have no reason not to build excellent relations with Serbia, said Zdravko Krivokapic when all the deputies of the new majority in the Montenegrin Parliament proposed him as prime minister, adding that the political fate of Milo Djukanovic and Dusko Markovic “will be what they deserve, as we deserve it. ” learn from other countries “.

Krivokapic: Instead of apologizing to Vucic, I ask the Serbian leaders to cooperate (VIDEO) 1Zdravko Krivokapić Photo: EPA-EFE / BORIS PEJOVIC

“They ask me to apologize to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and I ask him why I should apologize.” I’m a Christian, sorry when I make a mistake. Instead of apologizing, I ask the Serbian leaders to cooperate, to rebuild what some have destroyed in the last 30 years, “said Krivokapic in an interview with the portal.

According to him, the new government of Montenegro will first have to analyze the burden that the outgoing government has placed on it and that it is extremely important for Montenegro to foster fraternal relations with Serbia.

He recalled that according to the Constitution, the mandate for the composition of the new government must first be entrusted to the President of Montenegro and, from that moment, the legally prescribed period within which the government must be formed. “I hope that the new government of Montenegro will be formed within the legally prescribed period,” he said.

I do not believe that the new government can take a decisive step without analyzing the existing situation. We must determine exactly what the previous government left us as a burden and based on that, we will work out a strategy to repair the obviously difficult situation, Krivokapić said.

When asked if he expected obstructions, Krivokapić pointed out that Milo Đukanović is a politician who has never dealt with anything other than politics in his life.

“I would not underestimate the capabilities of Mr. Djukanovic, nor would I underestimate his need to protect his business, of which there are too many in Montenegro. However, above all and above all, I would not underestimate the citizens of Montenegro, who after thirty years have Much has been said about this policy. Djukanovic will be faced with the choice of whether to listen to his political instinct or his instinct for self-preservation. I think he realized that he no longer has the support of those who voted for him in previous years, as well as those who They were against him the whole time, ”Krovokapić said.

According to Krivokapic, the political fate of Djukanovic and outgoing Prime Minister Dusko Markovic will be exactly as they deserved.

“And Zdravko Krivokapić does not say that, the experience of other countries teaches us. Find me an example in which autocrats and dictators have a happy ending. To be precise, here I am only talking about the political consequences and the political end,” said Krivokapic. .

Krivokapic said that Aleksa Becic and Dritan Abazovic are the future of Montenegro, along with other young people of their generation, who are in the three winning coalitions.

“Young, educated, uncorrupted and above all young patriots. Although they are young, they are not beginners in politics and I am not ashamed to admit that at 62 years old I would have something to learn from them, “said Krivokapić.

He noted that Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic are veterans of the Montenegrin political scene, perhaps alongside Djukanovic himself.

“They have been in politics for a long time, they have maintained the fire of resistance to the regime for a long time, and that is for everyone to respect. I wouldn’t say that I have changed my mind about them, but now I have the opportunity to look at politics and processes from the inside. Of course, sometimes it happens that our vision does not match. I attribute it to my inexperience, but it is no secret that we see certain issues differently. But there is a saying that says that when we agree and when we disagree, let it be in love. As far as I’m concerned, it will be like this, “said Krivokapić.

Krivokapic reiterated that he entered politics after the previous government passed the discriminatory Law on Religious Freedom.

“The role of the Church in the overthrow of the regime is indisputable and that is clear to everyone. I would just like to specify right now, the Church is involved in that process, because it had to defend itself. With magnificent liturgies, which were a peaceful Christian rebellion, the Church practically articulated discontent with many other things in Montenegrin society. It was only necessary for parties to appear on the political market that could capitalize on this discontent in the elections, which happened. “As far as I know, and I appreciate being well informed, the Church ended its ambitions to get involved in political life the moment it heard our promise from the three winning coalitions that we would withdraw the disputed Freedom of Religion Act,” Krivokapic said.

Concluding that they pointed to the Metropolitan Amfilohije project, Krivokapić said:

“I am a Christian, I go to church and that is the whole truth. If it is my fault and if it is my sin, I accept that I am a sinner. I am a university professor, I have five children and two grandchildren. Too much to be someone’s project. “” The names of Metropolitan Amfilohije, who is today one of the most educated and intelligent Montenegrins, are not worthy of such qualifications, “he said.

Regarding his statement on the close relations between Milo Đukanović and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and invited him to come to Belgrade and bring evidence, Kivokapić said:

“I’d like to find a cross-question. Does that mean I’m in court, if evidence is required from me?” It is unacceptable that the President of Serbia, Alelsandar Vučić, has never come to Montenegro in the eight years he has been in power. Neither as prime minister nor as president. Mr. Djukanovic also did not go to Belgrade. “I am sorry, that is unacceptable to my understanding of relations with Serbia,” he said.

As he pointed out, Serbia is not just a neighboring country to Montenegro, but Serbia is a sister country.

“Our brothers, relatives, godparents live there, our children study, our people are cared for in hospitals. I am asked to apologize to President Vučić and ask him why I should apologize. I’m a Christian, sorry when I’m wrong. Rather than apologize, I ask the Serbian leadership to cooperate to rebuild what some have destroyed in the last 30 years. I ask you to show our citizens with your personal relationships, based on respect, that there is no one who can stand between the relations between our two countries, “said Krivokapic.

According to him, there is no reason for bad relations between Serbia and Montenegro.

“We have no reason not to build excellent relations with Serbia, and there are hardly any areas where those relations have not deteriorated.” I am more than willing to do everything I can to make these relationships what our citizens expect of us. That is, as history and tradition dictate. After all, to be as our European friends ask us, we have placed regional cooperation high on their list of priorities, “concluded Krivokapić.

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