KON ANNOUNCES NEW MEASURES FOR GLORY AND CHRISTMAS: Here’s who will be under surveillance, the decision was made at the right time


Winter is coming and with it the time of glory, New Years, Christmas. then many, if not more, of our citizens living in different parts of the world are expected to cross borders. What awaits you when you enter Serbia?

Judging by the statements that we were able to hear from the Crisis Staff members, our guest workers will suffer a similar fate to that of all the Serbian tourists who come from their summer holidays these days. What does that mean exactly?

According to the announcements, the supervisory measure that was introduced on Friday at 6 p.m. is not only intended for current circumstances, but is also expected to extend to the holiday period. Epidemiologist Predrag Kon also spoke about this for “Blic”.

– This decision is important not only at this time but also for all future situations that await us – celebration, joy … If we consider that the arrival of up to 400,000 people cost us more in the first peak, this decision came in the right moment – said Con.

Our epidemiologist noted that the supervisory decision at this point is an extraordinary test of how it works before the New Year.

– The supervisory measures will be maintained, they are not designed only for this specific situation. We can think many months in advance, but that’s better, our expert emphasizes.

Already on Friday columns of a kilometer long were noticed, mainly at the crossing from Montenegro to Serbia, and two days later the first data on surveillance arrived: the epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff Predrag Kon affirmed that 15,000 of our tourists are already under surveillance. they already have positive for the corona virus.

We all know that a large number of our people come to your country mostly only for the New Year holidays, so the number of those who will cross our border is expected to be even higher.

Photo: Tanjug

If the vigilance measure is maintained, everyone will receive the same warning. And this is what follows.

The document received by all citizens of Serbia returning from a country with an unfavorable epidemiological situation states that they are under surveillance.

The first step, according to the document, is to register on the website https://www.e-zdravlje.gov.rs within 24 hours after entering the country. On the site itself it is necessary to leave your data, LBO and health card number, and then do a self-assessment test, which for returnees, as indicated on the e-health site, is somewhat more detailed than for the rest of citizens.

Also, the warning indicates that after registering, you will receive a confirmation that you need to print in order to have proof that you have registered.

Surveillance runs for 10 days, and if you do not have any symptoms, you need to log out of the same portal for surveillance to stop. It is very important to note that surveillance does not restrict freedom of movement.

However, there is a note for all those who present some symptoms of respiratory infection: fever, dyspnea, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of the sense of smell and taste, etc. – are obliged to call the Kovid clinic.

– Anyone who arrives and has a worsening of his condition, if he has a fever or some other type of respiratory infection, has the obligation to go to the Kovid clinic for a more detailed examination – the epidemiologist Predrag Kon previously pointed out for “Blic”.

During supervision, all of you are obliged to constantly monitor its condition and if there are any changes, and to react to the slightest suspicion to avoid a possible consequence.

However, sanctions are prescribed for all those who should be under surveillance, but who have not reported or become infected and thus irresponsibly transmitted the infection to another person.

Photo: D. Milovanović

The document received by our citizens indicates that if they do not report electronically within 24 hours, they will commit a crime, punishable by article 85, paragraph 1, paragraph 10, of the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases.

This article and this point of the Law say, by the way, that a fine in the amount of 50,000 to 150,000 dinars will be imposed on anyone who does not act in accordance with the regulations, decisions or orders issued by the competent authorities in accordance with this law, who determine protection measures. infectious disease population.

Therefore, during supervision, it is best to minimize contacts and monitor changes in health on a daily basis. And don’t forget, when 10 days have passed, it is mandatory to unsubscribe from supervision.


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