Politika Online – REM: broadcasting reality shows only at night


The marital fights of Djogani, the adventures of a certain Kulić family, the strange romance of the young Milijana and Milojko of decades, “hot actions” in bed, but also fights, quarrels, threats, spilling water, breaking and “beeps”, curses and even death threats, they could soon be banned from the daily program on national television. Yesterday, the EMN Council decided unanimously to transform the existing recommendation on the retransmission of reality shows from 11 to 6 in the morning, which the media “jumped” all the time, into a regulation – mandatory for all.

The spices of the life of the “antiheroes” of the small screens are subjects from which, according to the members of REM, the spectators, and especially the most sensitive among them, that is, the minors, should be protected. The agreement between the representatives of this body, which was initiated by members Judita Popović, Višnja Arandjelović and Slobodan Cvejić, should only materialize after a public debate and when the competent ministry issues an opinion on it.

It will not be “inventing hot water” because neighboring countries have also solved the problem of reality by taking them out of everyday terms. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, these programs are shown from 24 to 6 hours, while Montenegrins decide the time requested by our REM Council members, from 23 to 6 hours.

The basis for limiting the time of reality TV in Serbia, Popović says, is in article 68 of the Electronic Media Law, which prescribes the regulatory body to ensure that programs that may harm physical, mental and moral development of minors are not available, except when minors cannot see or hear it.

So far, we have relied on the recommendation in this area, which, as Cvejić recalled, was made in 2014 and failed to secure the dissemination of such content at a later date. It illustrated how much the content of reality was out of control and recalled that, a few days ago, the participant of the “Cooperative”, Kristijan Golubović, publicly threatened Stanija Dobrojević with death on a daily basis. That is why this body decided to file a criminal complaint against the already convicted Golubović.

– It becomes normal for people to do something that they have actually seen or heard. It is REM’s obligation to send a message that we take care of that and that we know we are responsible for it. This is not an attempt to reorganize the media scene in Serbia, but a reaction to serious problems – said Cvejic, while Visnja Arandjelovic emphasized that it is not because of the prohibition of such programs, but that they should be withdrawn at a time when children They are awake.

– Reality did not influence the formation of General Simić and Ljupka Stević and their actions, but it may influence the formation of new generations. We cannot limit the press or YouTube, but we can control what is broadcast on television. We have reality shows in the morning, afternoon, evening, night. It’s too much – Arandjelović is clear, adding that reality as it is sends a message to the very young: “You don’t have to be anything, you will be a participant in reality.”

Zoran Simjanović opined the same, emphasizing that REM is not against reality, but is against primitivism and the content that is transmitted in them.

– It’s not just about minors. Other viewers are also bombarded with such content and this is how the moral destruction of society happens – says Simjanović.

The council members made the difference between the so-called realities of the real environment and the “pseudo-realities”, so the future regulation will not refer to programs such as “With Tamar in action.

– Not all the content of reality can be put in the same basket. What we’re talking about is a continuation of something called a social experiment, said Goran Petrović, vice chairman of the REM Council. Although he himself voted “yes”, he was the most skeptical about the adoption of the new regulation, because he believes that there is no legal basis to limit the transmission time of such content. In his interpretation, REM should, rather than “move” the program to late installments, should punish. Popovic recalled that the regulator must ensure that programs that can harm children are not available.

– REM must protect minors, not let them go through water. The punishment is “later intelligence”, because the damage has already been done – Popović concluded.

Simjanović ended the discussion, emphasizing that it is the duty of the REM Council members to say what they think about such programs.
