Milos Vucevic was re-elected mayor of Novi Sad


The former mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, was re-elected to that position. Of the 78 councilors, 70 voted in favor of Vučević, six against and two invalid votes.

Vučević addressed the members of the Novi Sad City Assembly and said that “Novi Sad did not suffer a single day waiting for the election of the mayor,” he reports. RTV.

He thanked the coalition partners, comrades on the list and said “he will fight for Novi Sad.”

The ruling coalition in Novi Sad will be led by the SNS, and its partners in power are the Socialist Party of Serbia, the Serbian Patriotic Alliance (SPAS) and the Vojvodina League of Social Democrats, while the Serbian Radical Party and the Democratic Party from Serbia are in opposition.

“We will work as we have done until today, nothing will change in my work schedule, I go to the same job and I am dealing with the same problems,” the mayor of Novi Sad told reporters.

People new to city government who have not been to the executive branch so far make up about 40 percent.

Vučević said the new government is facing a budget rebalancing and announced new foreign investments.

He also noted that the unemployment rate in Novi Sad is below six percent, which, according to him, is the all-time low.

Vučević also emphasized that he is proud to be the first man in the 272-year history of the city of Novi Sad to be elected mayor for the third time.

He announced that, among other things, he would advocate for a new bridge, the rebuilding of Spence, the stay of the young people in Novi Sad, and that he would fight for that also in the future.

“For me, this election cannot be a consolation prize. It is a great privilege and a great obligation for me, I do not feel a millimeter of space for someone to underestimate the role of the mayor of Novi Sad,” Vučević replied to the question of a journalist. in a number of other state functions.
