HUSBAND GREASED ALL THE CABLES IN THE HOUSE WITH HOT SAUCE! Two days after that, we went through the greatest AGONY of our lives.


If you have a small dog, a puppy, and you didn’t have a pet until then, be sure to ask your vet first about everything, how to feed, train and what not to eat.

This is the confession of a Subotica family who went through agony with their pet.

“Since many families have been taking or adopting dogs lately, we wanted to share our experience with your readers and warn them that they are sentient beings that must be cared for like babies. We finally pleased our son and took the dog, a mixed breed, a puppy that gave us a friend from Novi Sad We had never had a dog as a pet before, neither my husband nor I. We had fish, hamsters, parrots, we also had an African hedgehog, but we never had a dog. To a friend who has had dogs for years , because we didn’t want to make a mistake, we immediately took him to the vet, he received all the injections he needed and just as he got his passport, our agony began.

I mean, as soon as he entered our house, he won our hearts. We dedicate ourselves to him completely. He immediately learned not to pee in the house, to ask when he wants to go out to defecate, and we are proud of him. He is mischievous, he likes to play, like any dog. Since his teeth were falling out, we knew he was going to nibble on furniture. We bought her a lot of chew toys, so we put the furniture away. However, we couldn’t stop the wires from screaming. He cut two cables for the mouse so we took the wireless one and then chose the cable for cable and internet. Even though it was hidden, he somehow managed to dig it up and we were left without the internet. We weren’t mad at him, we even liked him, but not everything after that!

photo: Profimedia

To avoid him somehow, without yelling or making fun of him, the husband asked a friend who has had dogs for years, but they have them in the apartment. The only advice they gave us was to smear the wires with something hot and “it won’t work anymore”. The husband, who otherwise enjoys spicy food, decides to spread it with the hottest sauce he has. He’s so angry that he pinches his eyes before you even lick him. Our little one licked it sweetly and we were all amazed. It is true that after that he never got close to the wire, but that’s why he started vomiting two days later. Everything you put in your mouth and eat instantly vomits. It started in the afternoon, when we returned from a walk. He fought with all his might, sighed, and in the morning when we got up, he looked at us sadly. Whatever we offered him, our greedy man didn’t want to. He drank only a little water and vomited again. We immediately took him to the vet. Although he did not have a fever, which encouraged us a bit, we suspected that he had swallowed some foreign body! As the vomiting continued, they had to infuse it! In the conversation we mentioned everything, how sweet he is, he hiccups when he eats, sniffs everything outside and wants to eat everything, and then the husband remembered that he also smeared the cables with hot sauce. That was enough for the vet! We took him to an infusion for two days, he drank probiotics, as well as medicine for his stomach. He chided us for listening to the advice of others, not professional people, and told us that dogs don’t have as developed a sense of taste as their sense of smell, and that is why they often swallow what they get and are easily poisoned. We went two days without sleeping, we all took care of him, we kissed him, we caressed him, we looked at him, we watched him breathe, and when the first day passed without vomiting and when he started jumping around the house, we were happy and he was relieved. The only good thing now is that we are fine with the vet and now we only consult with her, ”the Subotica woman wrote in her confession.

photo: Profimedia

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Author: delivery courier
