Verdict for the attack on Borko Stefanović


The Trial Chamber of the Krusevac High Court sentenced Miloš Šaponjić to a single sentence of four years in prison, and Marko Živković and Danijel Gmijović to three and a half years in prison for attacking the vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party, Borko Stefanović, in 2018.

Shaponjic was sentenced to a single four-year prison sentence for violent behavior, inflicting serious bodily injury and attacking an official, namely police officer Dejan Palibrk, while Zivkovic Gmijovic was sentenced to three and a half years in prison each one.

Judge Dragan Zdravković assessed, when pronouncing the verdict, that the prosecutor proved that the three defendants attacked the participants with their hands and feet and inflicted serious bodily injuries on them, as well as the official on duty.

The judge told the defendants during the sentence that they too had some kind of benefit, considering that in the meantime the law had been finalized, and that the incident happened a little later, they would have been sentenced to much longer prison terms.

“Under the new criminal law, which came into force on December 1, 2019, significantly higher penalties are foreseen for the aforementioned acts,” added Zdravković, noting that the verdicts handed down have “a repressive but also preventive effect.”

Let us remind you, Šaponjić, Živković and Gmijović on November 23, 2018, attacked Borko Stefanović, Boban Jovanović from Kruševac and police officer Dejan Palibrko, opposite MZ Rasadnik in Kruševac.

Palibrk recognized Gmijović and Živković on the spot, and suffered a minor bodily injury himself when he prevented Šaponjić from hitting Stefanović, who was on the ground.

Boban Jovanović was the only one to attend the sentencing and there were no other accused or victims. He told reporters in front of the court that only the first round was completed today, and that he was dissatisfied with the verdict, because he believes the attack in Krusevac was an attempt to kill Borko Stefanovic and not violent behavior.

“We are not satisfied with the verdict because we believe this was an assassination attempt on Borko Stefanovic and myself. The sentences are staggeringly small, especially since an official was attacked. This verdict sends a message that they can walk through my city, our city ​​and commit crimes with impunity. ” “Jovanovic said.

All three attackers have been previously convicted, and one of the accused, Gmijović, as the media wrote, was an associate of the Kruševac criminal Goran Obradović Suša, who was killed in late September 2014.

The attack on Stefanović in Kruševac started the “Stop the bloody shirts” protests, which turned into several months of civil protests throughout Serbia under the slogan “One in five million”.
