Aleksa spent the summer in Albania, embarked on a “jugic” trip, even watched the Red Star-Tirana match there and that’s how she spent her time.


Aleksa Berkov from Zrenjanin successfully finished his adventure on four wheels in one of the symbols of the former Yugoslavia, the legendary “jugić”, over 650 kilometers in one direction, from Tame Banat, to Albania!

Full of beautiful impressions, which he will keep “in the drawer of memories”, with his family members, he recently returned to his hometown, he writes “Večernje novosti”.

– Many people were amazed and wondered how he was going to undertake such a long journey through the old “south” – Aleksa said sincerely, who reached the final destination, the city of Shendjin in Albania, via Slavija from Belgrade.

Due to the situation of the coronary virus pandemic and the impossibility of spending the summer in Greece or Montenegro, Alexa decided to pass through our southern province with her “pet” until, as she says, “an idyllic summer resort in Albania” .

He says he had no objections to the hospitality of the hosts, with whom he even watched the football match between Red Star and Tirana in a cafe.

– Green card and car insurance abroad, although it is an official recommendation, nobody asked me, and Albania is entered without exams – says Aleksa, delighted with the fact that politics and the crown are at sea a “taboo subject “and that no one is not particularly interested.

Prices in Albanian markets and restaurants are similar to those in Zrenjanin and, as Aleksa points out, there are no artificially “hot” or “inflated”.

By the way, Aleksin’s “juice”, a family favorite, traveled almost 1,500 kilometers in both directions, without any problems. Nobody cares that you don’t have air conditioning and a powerful engine.

Video: Chaos on the border between Greece and Albania: a column several kilometers long
