The Colombian Sonja said goodbye to the murdered Stojanović with this message PHOTO


Colombian Sonja SG (45) said goodbye to Strahinja Stojanović, with whom she was in the jeep at the time her jeep exploded in New Belgrade.

– Strahinja, you chose peace, not war. Your soul is enlightened and mature and has done all that was needed in this world. The universe has given you a new life full of light and unconditional love. Your Sonja – it is said in the farewell message from Colombia.

photo: Print screen

Let us remind you that Sonja SG was banned from leaving Serbia. Meanwhile, it was discovered. Meanwhile, it was discovered that there were between 1 and 1.5 kilograms of Pentrit explosives under the jeep. It was placed under the driver’s seat. The blast was directed. The gearbox also protected Colombia.

photo: Anja Konstatinović / Mondo

By the way, the obituary of his friends in Spain appeared in the media.

“Your family from Spain, whom you have always respected and valued, with whom you have shared so many happy moments, will never forget you and want to thank you. Thank you for everything and thank you for the life that put you in our way.”

The explosive device placed under the jeep of Strahinja Stojanović (30), who was killed on Sunday in New Belgrade, was probably set off by a cyclist, who was in the immediate vicinity.


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Author: delivery courier
