If July happens to us again, the students will stay home


Until yesterday, 17 infected with the crown were registered in schools in Serbia, and cases of impediment to entry of children to school were registered, and it was stated that there were 19. Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said yesterday that the number has not yet been determined exact of children who should be infected. Schools would be closed, but if the general situation worsens in any territory, classes will be held online. As Kurir unofficially learns, the closure of schools will be if the situation in July is repeated, when we had several hundred people infected a day and hospitals were full.

photo: Shutterstock

– In Belgrade, we have eight positive students, five in the school itself and three who did not go to school. We have a partner, teachers, employed schools, so there are a total of 12 in Belgrade. There are three in Kragujevac and two more in the rest of Serbia, and there are 17 cases throughout Serbia, Kon told TV Prva, adding that due to the number of children Attending classes The education system currently has the highest epidemiological risk and has proposed 10 days of self-isolation for children returning from abroad.

– For now, it has not been determined how many children must be infected for a particular school to close, everything is fine for now – Kon said and pointed out that he asked himself that question as a challenge.

He recalled that many countries suspend classes when they have 30% of those infected, which is not valid in our country, but it is estimated that not all patients come to school. – We are talking about kovid now, as soon as someone has any mild symptoms, they stay home. I also mentioned a lower percentage, because it is a more serious disease, but for now, as it is kept under control, this is fine … We will follow the general situation. If the general situation worsens in some territory, which ensures that the virus enters schools, then measures will be taken so that everyone is online – explained Kon.

V. d. Director of the Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut” doc. Dr. Verica Jovanović told Kurir that we have a stable situation in schools thanks to the epidemiological situation throughout the country.

– The decision on when schools will close and switch to online teaching will be made by each school based on the consideration of all the numbers, that is, the number of children with confirmed covid 19. There are many possibilities for further analysis, if three children are infected in a school, the school is not closed because those children do not have to be in the same groups when they attend classes – declared Jovanović.

photo: Profimedia

The most important thing, he added, was whether the children wore a mask or not, if they came to school with symptoms of the disease, because at that time the children were carriers of the virus. – It is also important if protection measures have been applied, with whom the children have been in contact – stressed the director of “Trampoline” and recalled that children bring the virus from their environment outside of school, and that these are not cases of illness at school and in groups during class attendance. The source of the crisis headquarters Kurir, who will meet tomorrow, also claims that there is no official and precise decision and calculation of how many children must be infected for schools to close.

– In a situation in which we have between 70 and 80 infected people a day and sporadic cases in schools, there is no talk of closing schools. However, if the numbers start to jump more than 200 cases a day or even 300, 400, like in July, and if the ambulance and hospital envelope starts to fill up, the schools won’t work. Although the situation is stable now, everyone is afraid of autumn. Respiratory infections have already begun, and the arrival of the flu and a collision with the crown are expected. That is why we seek to extend this favorable period to the maximum and we constantly insist on respecting the measures – says our source. He adds that Serbian experts follow how others do.

– In Germany, there are a significant number of infected children, but schools have not yet closed. It is interesting that children go to school as long as possible because it is better for them than working online. We have already registered classes for online classes near the end of the first semester, states our source.

Mladen Šarčević

We are listening to the crisis headquarters

Education Minister Mladen Šarčević told Kurir that the department awaits further instructions for schools to act from crisis headquarters:

– The session of the crisis headquarters is on Monday (morning), and the Ministry of Education received all the measures from the medical part of the crisis headquarters.

For returnees from abroad

Decision on self-isolation

Kon does not expect a mandatory self-isolation measure to be introduced for our citizens returning from abroad, but noted that this “does not mean that the crisis headquarters will not change its position on that issue.”

– At the moment, we have a number of other restrictions, such as the warnings we issue (do not travel, be in self-isolation). Mandatory testing of all returnees would lead to sudden laboratory congestion – Kon assessed, adding that the crisis headquarters has been warning for four weeks about the risk of infecting citizens returning from summer vacation.

Photo / Source: Profimedia / Kristina Vasković

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