Loncar: The coronavirus vaccine will be free and voluntary


Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said that the epidemiological measures that were introduced gave results, but that he and other experts were not satisfied because citizens were still too relaxed.

Lončar, as a guest on the morning TV show Prva, said that the vaccine against the kovid-19 virus is expected in the new year, noting that it will be free and voluntary.

He announced a meeting of government crisis personnel for the suppression of the epidemic on Monday, in which the epidemiological situation in Serbia, the region and Europe will be analyzed.

“Based on these results, whatever the profession says, whatever science says is the best we can do, we will do it. Only on that basis can we provide an appropriate measure, all with the aim of protecting our citizens”, Loncar said.

The Health Minister called on citizens returning from their summer vacations not to start seeing people immediately.

“I call on all citizens to return not to run in the same second to see as many people as possible. They have patience, that they reduce the contacts to see if they are going to have any change in their health, “said Loncar.

Regarding the situation in schools, Loncar said that, thanks to the Ministry of Education and epidemiologists, the measures are more respected there than in clubs, discos, similar places and public transport where there are people who no longer wear masks.

“If children can understand and adhere to the measures, is it everyone’s problem,” he said.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
