SUCCESSFUL BOGDAN! The mother announced: This is a miracle of God, he was healed overnight! (PHOTO)


He posted several photos and recordings on social media confirming that “Bogdan made it.”

His mother announced that the boy had managed to overcome a terrible illness.

– People praise God and believe in him, pray every hour. She saved Bogdan and gave her a chance to live – said Marina.

– This is a pure miracle of God, Bogdan was healed overnight thank goodness. Eternal glory to him and eternal glory to all the Orthodox saints of this world – he added.

Bogdan was born in 2015 and suffered from a tumor in his small pelvis: Rhabdomyosarcoma. She underwent fifty-two cycles of chemotherapy, twenty-eight days of radiation, as well as partial surgery on the tumor mass. More precisely, as of July 18, 2018. year, Bogdan spent the first six months at the Institute for Mother and Child, when he underwent five cycles of chemotherapy.

Since the operation of the tumor mass could not be performed in those first six months, Bogdan had to continue his treatment abroad, more precisely at the Acibadem clinic in Istanbul. Upon arrival in Istanbul, the doctors fought for Bogdan’s life. And at that point, they gave him 10% that he would survive. Terribly difficult times for parents. He spent thirteen months there, without a single visit to Serbia.

Forty-four cycles of chemotherapy, as well as twenty-eight days of radiation, along with chemotherapy and surgery at the end of December 2019. At times, the chemotherapy was so strong that Bogdan spent twenty days in the hospital. But with his strength and his will to live, he crossed obstacle after obstacle.

Unfortunately, during all those days, months, the family experienced that Bogdan cannot wait to receive chemotherapy because, as he says, “I know that when I receive chemotherapy, I will recover faster and I will be able to return to Serbia.”

And then the crown happened and Bogdan had to return to Serbia, where he was on May 5, 2020. He continued with chemotherapy at the Maternal and Child Institute. In a CT scan of the pelvis in April, they find that the tumor mass has not decreased much compared to the last CT scan in January 2019.

The parents were forced to send the documentation back to health centers in Europe and the world, and Bogdan will continue his vital battle at the SJD in Barcelona. You need funds for therapies, working with an orthopedist and physical therapist, as well as for accommodation during treatment.

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