The Interior Ministry seeks an attacker from Novi Sad: a court order from Interpol is also possible – Society


The Ministry of the Interior (MUP) announced today that it is intensively searching for Ivan Kontić (30), suspected of beating a 28-year-old on Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad and inflicting serious bodily injury on that occasion.

MUP searches for a Novi Sad attacker: possible Interpol warrant 1Illustration photo: Pixabay / geralt

The Interior Ministry seeks the Novi Sad attacker: an Interpol 2 court order is also possible“We invite citizens, if they have any information about the person in the photo, to contact the Novi Sad Police Department at the phone number 064-892-3876 or at the Ministry number 011-362-7223 “reads the statement from the Interior Ministry.

The Ministry is also said to be in close contact with the organs in charge of issuing orders to issue an international arrest warrant for Interpol.

A video appeared on social media showing a man sitting on top of another, while he is already on the ground, hitting him on the head with his fists, and then moving the injured and unconscious to his side and breaking both arms.

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