Gifts for Aleksandar Vučić H1 Serbia


Based on the emotions he displayed in public, one could say that the gifts he received from Donald Trump to President Aleksandar Vučić are more important than the very reason for his visit to Washington. The pen and keys to the White House are the latest in a series of formal gifts Vučić received, praising the media.

Officials are obliged to report everything they receive to the Anticorruption Agency. As you can see, on the publicly available lists, there are dozens of freebies. However, there is only news about some of them, and only some of them “fight” for attention, like Trump’s pencil.

A pistol, a rifle, the shares of Miloš Obrenović, books, a dog, a stuffed animal – these are just some of the gifts that other statesmen and celebrities gave to Vučić.

Along with them, the president of Serbia received media space even when those gifts were not part of the protocol. Some of them came from citizens and were, to put it mildly, unusual. Let us remind you of the image of an unknown author with Sveta Petka, Vučić and the corridors of the factory, then a jar of paprika before the opening of the Corridor 10 branch, stuffed squid for the family birthday, a T-shirt with the inscription “Long live this town” on the fun Instagram page “Nurture the Serbian Language”. ..

Take a look at Timeline’s Istinomer on Vučić’s gifts.

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