Sava Center is on sale again, this time at a lower price


Belgrade – The city of Belgrade announced again today the sale of the Sava Center at an initial price of 21.9 million euros.

Source: B92

Photo: D. Bal

Photo: D. Bali,

The participant in the procedure is obliged to pay a guarantee for participation in the procedure amounting to 2,193,600 euros. The total starting price of the property is 21,936,000.00 euros.

The buyer undertakes to carry out construction and handicraft work in the adaptation and reconstruction of the Sava Center within five years from the date of payment of the total purchase price, the total value of all the works may not exceed 50,000. 000 EUR, according to the website of the City of Belgrade. .

The buyer undertakes not to modify the purpose of the Sava Center, to remain in the congress tourism function, taking into account that the Sava Center enjoys the previous protection status.

The historical-artistic works, such as immovable and movable cultural property in the building, are not sold.

It should be noted that the commercial premises located in the building were leased to “Centro Sava”.

Upon concluding the contract with the buyer, a fine in the amount of 20 percent of the purchase price reached will be agreed, in the event that the future buyer does not fully or partially fulfill the obligations assumed, as well as provide a first-class bank guarantee for the payment of the contractual penalty.

The public opening of the bids will take place on September 25, 2020 at 1 pm at the Municipal Administration of the City of Belgrade in Kraljice Marija 1.

In early August, the city put the Sava Center up for sale at a price of 27.4 million euros.

The sale was later canceled because no public invitation offer was received.
