“I couldn’t take it spicy and bitter, now I like it!” Patients Who Have Undergone Corona Report STRANGE CONSEQUENCES of the Virus to Our Doctors


According to them, some patients who had undergone the crown experienced a change in their sense of smell and taste, after these senses returned to them after healing!

After being infected with the kovid-19 virus, they lost their sense of smell and taste, which returned after a while, but, according to their claims, in an altered way, so that gasoline and coffee no longer smell the same until one of the patients began to get angry and sour food, although he did not tolerate these flavors before the illness.

Doctors at the Nis Clinical Center’s Ear, Throat and Nose Disease Clinic came to this knowledge during a large study on the effect of the crown on hearing damage, including how quickly the sense of smell and taste returned to the patients after recovery.

Prof. Dr. Dušan Milisavljević says for “Blic” that so far several patients have made such observations, but that doctors from the medical aspect will seriously address these problems and check if there has been a change in the sense of smell and taste and in what measure.

– We were contacted by patients who were lying on the crown and whose smell and taste returned after a certain period of time, but according to them – it has been changed – says for “Blic” prof. Dr. Milisavljevic.

One patient said, says Dr. Milisavljević, that the smell of coffee no longer feels the same, another says that his gasoline smells different.

– One of our colleagues, a doctor who has had a runny nose, says that he had never eaten sour and spicy before because he did not like those flavors, and that he now enjoys both spicy and acidic foods. Therefore, we will pay attention from the medical point of view to this possible aspect of the consequences of the coronavirus and we will check if this is the case and if it is individual cases or if the number of patients with these symptoms is statistically significant – explains prof. Dr. Milisavljevic.

Dr. Dusan MilisavljevicPhoto: BJ / RAS Serbia

Dr. Dusan Milisavljevic

It points out that it is necessary to examine and record these changes medically in accordance with the standards in force in Europe and America, so that the results are verified internationally and as such help to acquire new knowledge about the corona virus.

– We will order special scented whales from the Netherlands, with the help of which we will carry out tests to see if the sense of smell and taste has changed after the crown has been passed. To publish an article internationally, it is necessary to do it according to the standards of Europe and America. In follow-up examinations of patients who have undergone the crown, we will monitor who has returned the sense of smell and taste, and if those senses have changed. For now, these are not a large number of patients, but what they indicate is very interesting, so it must be medically reviewed – explains prof. Dr. Milisavljevic.

80 patients were examined

As “Blic” wrote, experts at the ENT Nis clinic are among the first in the world to try to determine whether the coronavirus damages hearing, with a large examination conceived in August, in which more than a hundred patients will participate.

In addition to examining the mucosa of the throat, nose and ear canal, the control of hearing, a large number of parameters are monitored, what drugs do patients take, what profession they practice, whether they consume cigarettes, alcohol …

Until now, according to prof. Dr. Milisavljevic examined about 80 patients. Patients are scheduled to be examined two more times after stopping treatment.

The preliminary findings will be known after the first examination after stopping the treatment of all patients, and the final after the second control examination.

– They also call patients who are not from Nis, and who want to come to check their hearing after the crown. There were calls from Raska, Kraljevo and other cities. They are always welcome, we do not close the door to anyone, we want to help all patients who have passed Kovid 19 – adds prof. Dr. Milisavljevic.

VIDEO – WHO: All the symptoms of the coronavirus
