SOURCE OF DRY CURE DUE TO AQUA PARK? Citizens are angry, they come here to be treated, and now not a drop from the source


The water from the “Jezero” spring in Vrnjačka Banja, which is used for therapeutic purposes, for diabetes and urinary tract treatment, but also for rinsing the eyes, has been flowing drop by drop for almost a month, and now the spring it has dried completely.

The water from the “Jezero” thermomineral spring basin in Vrnjačka Banja almost disappeared, and there were days when the springs were completely dry.

The cause of the drastic reduction in flow is suspected to be a private water park that opened two months ago, not far from the spring. Although water consumption in this park has been reported to have been reduced, it still appears at the source only in droplets.

Healing spring The lake rises to the surface naturally, that is, it is pushed by gas, while the water to fill the pool of the water park is extracted by means of pumps.

However, from the Special Hospital “Merkur” in Vrnjačka Banja, which manages the thermo-mineral springs, they say that the flow has increased a bit in recent days, but that they expect a normalization only in the coming days.

– We ordered the owner of “Vrnjačke terme” to reduce the water flow and to turn off the pumps every day, ie at night, for eight hours. The condition is improving and the level is gradually returning. The water park has reduced the pumping capacity from the original 2.5 liters to 1.6 liters per second, says Božidar Vucković of the “Merkur” hospital.

The decision to give consent to the Ždrelo company from Petrovac na Mlavi, owner of the “Vrnjačke terme” water park, for geological research and exploitation of mineral raw materials from the well was issued by the municipality of Vrnjačka Banja. He says the company is obliged to redirect the flow of 0.3 liters per second for Vrnjacka Banja’s needs, while for their needs they could maintain a maximum of 2.5 liters per second.

But, although the solution mentions a depth of 600 meters, in which the Jezero spring flows, the well from which the water park is filled is even deeper, and the water is drawn from 650 meters. The decision stipulates that if there are secondary effects at the Slatina and Jezero springs, well excavation work will be suspended.

Not a drop now Photo: Nenad Bozovic / RAS Serbia

Not a drop now

By the way, the Special Hospital “Merkur” conducted a study that determined which are the reserves that can be extracted and which will not endanger the sources of drugs.

However, the problem is that the municipality of Vrnjacka Banja does not have a unified database that contains all the pumping stations, that is, all the people who have received a permit to dig a well and use the water for their own needs. .

After the problem with the Jezero spring appeared, the Vrnjačka Banja municipality administration held a meeting in which it was decided to determine the long-term estimates for the pumping of groundwater in the Vrnjačka Banja territory, which will not put endangered existing sources.

Back to normal in 10, 15 days

– The Faculty of Mining and Geology of Belgrade, based on the measurements, concluded that the flow in the sources of the mineral spring Jezero will return to normal in about 10 to 15 days – they say from this municipality.

Visitors to this most famous resort in Serbia had the most trouble. Because, the water from the mentioned source is most often used with diabetes, but it also showed healing properties by rinsing the eyes.

The citizens are angry

– I need at least half an hour to fill a bottle of water. I’ve been in Banja for 15 days and it’s like that all the time. And there were days when the springs were completely dry. For this water, I come to Banja, but I don’t think I will. This is hard – says a retiree who came to fill three half-liter bottles.

Photo: Nenad Bozovic / RAS Serbia

She is not the only one. Many visitors, from all over Serbia, who come to Vrnjacka Banja because of this healing water, are now angry.

There are huge crowds, queues, and verbal conflicts over who is next in line to fill the bottle.

– People come here for the healing water. I am diabetic and have been coming here for five years. Used to be able to fill a balloon in an instant. I don’t know where the water went – says a pensioner from Paraćin.
