“They enslave us, they are more harmful than the crown, they cannot protect us …”. Why do some people refuse to wear masks and come up with absurd excuses?


The masks enslave us, they bend our spine and humble us, they are more harmful to our lungs than the coronavirus, they cannot protect us, the authorities want to silence us forever with them. These are just some of the excuses that will come to those who do not want to wear masks despite the recommendations of epidemiologists around the world. Why do some people trust unverified internet sources instead of scientists?

You need to wear masks properly, because that's the only way they work.Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

You need to wear masks properly, because that’s the only way they work.

The mask has become a seed of discord between those who care about collective health and those who insist on freedom of choice, even when it endangers the health of others. Some people smother the mask, some think healthy people don’t have to wear it, and some think the mask makes it fun. One of the reasons is undoubtedly the large amount of contradictory information.

– The excess of information that is placed is really confusing, and what is even worse is the decrease in confidence in the profession, because they do not know which profession to trust, since science itself is still learning about this – says Kristina Brajović , professor of psychological sciences.

It is necessary that the masks are used correctly, because only in that way they have an effect and block the drops in which the virus is found. Also, of course, social distance and proper hygiene are a must.

Tatjana RadosavljevicPhoto: Vesna Lalic / RAS Serbia

Tatjana Radosavljevic

– The masks must be used correctly, on the nose, under the chin, along the face. The story that masks interfere with and prevent proper gas exchange is wrong, because carbon dioxide and oxygen are much smaller than the pores of the mask and normally go in and out of the lungs when breathing, says Tatjana Radosavljević , pulmonologist.

Many psychologists believe that people believe less and less in science, and more and more in pseudoscience, more precisely, to believe in someone who tells them something more convincingly. The worst that can happen is that people no longer trust anyone and stop protecting themselves and others.

– Precisely because of this exposure to the abundance of information, fear is not the first reaction, but spite and rebellion, some arbitrariness that does not go with this collective risk to which we are exposed – says Brajović.

Dr. Radosavljević points out that there are no stories that masks do not protect, masks are, he points out, unfortunately, during pavidemia 19, the only way to protect oneself with social distance.

The important thing is that wearing a mask can make a difference in the severity of the disease, whether we will end up in the hospital or not, and that if we do not use it because we think we are healthy, we can infect another without realizing it.

Numerous studies around the world have shown that the spread of the virus would stop if 80 percent of people wore masks, and that the safest model is the N95 mask.

Video: Medical or handmade masks: When to wear them?
