
The condition of little Lana Jovanović, who suffered from type 1 spinal muscular atrophy, and for whose recovery money has been raised for a long time, has worsened. As her mother Aleksandra Jovanović said in her Facebook post, the girl is in the hospital.

In the days before, he said, Lana had just coughed. The disease, he repeats, is unpredictable, the condition of children changes rapidly and uncertainty is constant.

– What I feared most happened … Today we are in the hospital because of the secretion that has accumulated in Lana’s lungs. We started with puffs and now more searches are underway. The biggest fear is if we can avoid the tracheostomy, if we will clean the lungs with some other therapy.

Please as a mother, help my Lana, we are almost halfway to getting the medicine, help her get it as soon as possible! With children with SMA, the situation changes every hour, Lana only coughed in the last few days and today we are in the hospital. Let’s help her now to get her medicine as soon as possible before it’s too late !!! – Lana’s mother wrote.

Spinal muscular atrophy, type 1, which Lana also has, is a very cruel and deadly disease for babies. They can’t even get on stage when they’re sitting alone. At a later stage, they also need a feeding tube, breathing apparatus, and even a cough device.

Eventually, a total paralysis occurs and the baby can no longer even smile. With the help of mechanical ventilation, children with this disease can live for more than two years, but they require intensive and constant care.

The drug costs 2.1 million dollars.
