He went on a hunger strike to seek the truth about the number of deaths of the crown – the Society


One of the protesters from Novi Pazar radicalized the protest demanding the resignation of the management of the General Hospital

The daily protests of a score of citizens of Novi Pazar, seeking the truth about everything that happened during the June coronavirus epidemic in this city and the dismissal of the acting director of the General Hospital, Meh Mahmutović, and his closest collaborators, do not they worked.

He went on a hunger strike to seek the truth about the number of Crown deaths 1Photo: S. Novosel

That is why Ruždija Šabotić, one of the protesters, decided to radicalize his protest. This morning a hunger strike started which, as he stated, will continue until the whole truth is discovered and the leadership is changed.

Sabotic began his protest on a bench in front of the Children’s Department, in front of the Diagnostic Center building, on the top floor of which is Mahmutovic’s office. However, numerous security officers from the hospital and the police took him out of that place, so the strike continued in front of the administrative building of the Health Center.

– I use democratic law to express my dissatisfaction with the situation at the General Hospital. My requests, as well as those of the participants in the protest, are to announce the exact number of deaths from coronavirus in Novi Pazar, to say what happened to the donations and how they were spent, to involve the institutions in the problem, mainly the Superior Prosecutor’s Office to start an investigation. based on information published in public and to be replaced Mahmutović, members of his team and Mirsad Đerlek (current secretary of state in the Ministry of Health and former coordinator of the Kovid Regional Hospital in Novi Pazar – good) – Sabotic told reporters and said They would not give up until requests are not fulfilled.

This Novi Pazar resident is one hundred percent disabled and also has high blood sugar and blood pressure problems. In the latest wave of the corona virus, he lost two members of his family, a sister and an uncle. Sabotic was examined today by the Emergency Service doctors and they found elevated blood sugar values, and the ECG record showed changes in the heart. He refused therapy and continued on strike.

The security of the hospital, of the circle of that institution, also withdrew the journalists, who came to report on this incident from the scene.

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The medical specialists of the General Hospital of Novi Pazar, signatories of the letter and petition to the state leaders of Serbia, calling for the dismissal of the acting director of that health institution Meho Mahmutović and his closest collaborators, today sent a letter to the president of the City Assembly of Novi Pazar, Amela Šemsović.

They demand that the city parliament, in the next session, discuss the health system in this city during the June coronavirus epidemic.

They also addressed all the committee groups and stated that “the humanitarian catastrophe, the highest number of deaths per capita and the collapse experienced by the General Hospital is a consequence of the poor organization and management of the acting director Meh Mahmutović and his team “.

Let us remind you that out of 108 specialists, 37 of them signed the letter and petition and wrote to the state address twice without success.

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