“It’s insidious, you can’t see it right away …”



07.09.2020. 11:05

He stressed that schools have organized a working system that is safe in terms of transmitting the virus.

Predrag Kon

Predrag Kon, Photo: print screen

The epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff for the fight against coronavirus, Predrag Kon, said today that it is necessary to point out to the students why it is important to wear protective masks, because it is noted that a large number of them do not wear masks in transport public. spread of the virus.

“We have to find ways to explain to high school students why masks are used in this situation. And regardless of the fact that they seem to understand that, they need to be told in a very pictorial way what is happening because of that,” he said Kon as a guest. on TV Pink.

Does it comply with epidemiological measures?

He stressed that the schools have organized a work system that is so safe in terms of virus transmission, but also that as with any equipment, there are certain risks in schools, and that it is important that protection measures are respected.

“Any behavior in which we ignore the presence of the virus will certainly cost us. And what is insidious is that it is not seen immediately, but after a few weeks, and even in some next wave,” Kon said.
