VITAMIN PUMP WITH HONEY! This combination will strengthen your IMMUNITY and is made up of several INGREDIENTS!


Immunity is the body’s ability to defend itself against various diseases, viral, bacterial, and fungal infections, as well as all harmful chemical and biological substances. Consequently, the immune system is the most important defense system we have and without it we would be susceptible to all attackers on our health and normal functioning of the body.

This vitamin bomb will help you strengthen your immunity and stay healthy, and it’s easy to make.

photo: Shutterstock

Ingredients needed:

– 100 g raisins

– 150 g of walnuts in the core

– 100 g of almonds

– skin of two lemons

– 100 g of dried apricots

– 100 g of prunes

– 250-300 g of honey

You can combine the nuts yourself, you will not spoil anything, on the contrary, if you add hazelnuts, cashews or Brazil nuts, you will only add calories and strength to your “vitamin bomb”.

Walnuts, that is. Nuts are essential foods for a long and healthy life. A handful of nuts a day has a preventive effect on heart disease, is anticancer, promotes weight loss, is excellent in the fight against insomnia and is recommended for a better memory. And prepared like this with honey, lemon and nuts, it is the right choice.

photo: Profimedia

Preparation method

Grind in a meat grinder: raisins, walnuts, almonds and lemon peel. You can also use a blender if you have a higher power, which will settle and chop all the ingredients. Add the juice of two lemons to the mixture, whose rind you have previously ground. Stir. Then add the prunes and dried apricots. Chop them too, but separately. Stir. Finally add the honey and stir again.

Let stand in a dark place for 1-2 days.

For children over 3 years: 1 teaspoon twice a day, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach and in the afternoon between lunch and dinner.

For adults: 1-2 tablespoons three times a day.

It is not necessary to store the jar in the refrigerator, but it is desirable that it is not placed in a very warm place.

photo: Profimedia / mogujatosama / MM

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Author: delivery courier
