A PHOTO OF A CHILD WHO BROKEN THE HEART OF THE WORLD! Mom secretly filmed her son attending classes online, and this is why so many JECA


A PHOTO OF A CHILD WHO BROKEN THE HEART OF THE WORLD!  Mom secretly filmed her son attending classes online, and this is why so many JECA

Photo: Printscreen Facebook / Jana Coombs

The new school year has begun, which is nothing like the previous September.

Due to the coronary virus pandemic, students attend online classes almost everywhere in the world, including in the United States.

How difficult it is for students to find this big change is best demonstrated by the student photo that is being spread virally on the internet.

Rather than in the classroom, a six-year-old from Georgia began learning in front of a computer on the first day of school, via an online platform.

– My son was so sad that he will not share a desk with his friends, that’s why he lowered his head and cried – says his mother Jane Combs, who could not hide the detail of the photo – when the child is crying.

When she saw how depressed he was, Jane knew she had to do something. So she took a photo of it and posted it on the internet, hoping to raise awareness of the difficulties some students face because they don’t go to school.


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