What does it look like when a Serbian Paralympian grows industrial hemp?


Paralympian, swimmer and athlete Nemanja Tadić lost a leg at age seven due to cancer. This year, when sports competitions are less frequent, he started growing industrial hemp with his friends. He obtained all the permits and approvals and planted about two and a half hectares.

“I have a lot of work to be honest. Every day there are between 10 and 15 people in our fields, we have a lot of help from friends and family, and without them we would not have been successful,” says Tadic.

Compared to traditional crops, the yield of industrial hemp is up to four times higher. It is mainly used in the pharmaceutical and textile industries.

“We not only plan to take advantage of the flower, of course the most expensive and highest quality flower, but there are also hemp seeds since the oil is squeezed, which is healthier than olive oil,” says Strahinja Stankovic, business partner.

Nemanja’s brother, Nebojsa Tadic, says his job is not difficult.

“I have some zeal and some will, because this is something of ours and something new, and then it is not very difficult for me,” says Nebojsa.

In recent years, industrial hemp oil has been increasingly used to treat cancer.

“I myself was treated for bone cancer, so there are emotions related to all this, and if this miraculous plant helps someone, I will be very happy,” says Nemanja Tadić.

The harvest lasts one more week and these young people plan to modernize production next year. According to official data, industrial hemp is grown in four plantations in the Nis area.
