Jelena Jovicic admitted how she became an ACTRESS!


I WORKED IN A BOUTIQUE TO MAKE MONEY FOR THE SEA, AND HE SAW ME: Jelena Jovicic admitted how she became an ACTRESS!

Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

Jelena Jovicic made her big screen debut and, after so many years, revealed how this cooperation came about, more precisely how she got the opportunity to stand in front of the cameras.

“In order to earn money for the summer holidays, I was occasionally hired at a boutique in parallel with my studies at the Faculty of Philology. As Emir was filming on the street where the store was located, his partner noticed me and offered me a role. At the time, he was interested. He was making money, not acting. I had to charge 300 marks for the sea, so I saw it as a great opportunity to reach the desired amount earlier than planned, ”said Jelena.

“The agreement was to record for four days, however, after the first takes, I found out that I was going to record more and so I stayed on set for six months, until the end. No one can convince me that I influenced in any way. way”. she pointed.Đ/Story, Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

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