The girl (23) couldn’t straighten up and breathe, and then she found out about SHOCK NEWS


EXCESSIVE WITH EXERCISE AND SERIOUSLY ILL: Girl (23) could not get up and breathe, then discovered SHOCK NEWS

Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

Kiana Álvarez, 23, has become addicted to exercise and is now battling a deadly disease resulting from overtraining in the gym.

After the demanding training, the girl was breathing with difficulty and felt intense pain, but attributed it all to fatigue. She soon realized that she could not straighten up or breathe properly.

He realized that it was rhabdomyolysis, a rare syndrome that occurs due to damage to the membrane of a muscle cell, as his favorite bodybuilder had the same syndrome a year earlier.

Rhabdomyolysis is life-threatening because it breaks down muscles, destroys kidneys, and damages the heart. It is common in soldiers and athletes who are exhausted to the extreme. The condition is usually treated with intravenous fluids to generate enough urine and prevent kidney failure.

Kiana added that she didn’t drink enough water before diagnosis and that she always trained before breakfast.Đ/, Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

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